𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 6

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I go into the downstairs office because at the moment I didn't want to walk upstairs. Silas is sitting beside me on the leather couch while Dante and Enzo is sitting in front of me.

I play with my nails innocently as the boys stare at me.

"Are you going to tell us what happened?" Enzo breaks the silence. I nod as I place my hands in my lap. "A dog died in my dream." I innocently lie. Enzo grunts, Dante rolls his eyes, and Silas snickers.

"The truth." Enzo demands. I exhale because I know that either way I have to tell him. "I have nightmares." I simply say. Enzo nods as he wants me to continue.

"When I was younger my father used to abuse me and Silas. I used to get thrown into a cell as he used to torture me when I didn't listen. He would also use men to rape me if I didn't listen." I began. Silas looks at the floor while the two boys in front of me look at me with pity and anger.

"I had a nightmare of him being alive and hurting me. I haven't had them in a long time because of the pills I'd take but I left them at the house." I summarize. Enzo's jaw ticks while Dante rubs his face with his large hand.

I lean down in the couch and look at them. They meet my eyes with pity while I scoff. "Don't look at me with pity. You act like I'm weak but I'm not. I survived all these years and learned to fight back." I snap at the two men.

They look surprised at me but nod. "Yeah, your right." Dante concludes. "But no one should go through that." He adds. I nod while agreeing. "Can I now take Giovanni on a ride, he asked but Enzo declined." I request. Enzo rolls his eyes but nods. "Be quick."


After I return with Giovanni I plop myself on the couch. "That was sick." Giovanni comments from beside me. "Yup." I respond with a smile.

"Your back." My brother says as he enters the room. "Yup." I reply then lean my head back. As Silas was about to say something gunshots go off. I look at Giovanni with wide eyes but he drops us both to the floor.

"What's happening?" I ask with a whisper. "The Americans." He states then reaches for his gun. "What the fuck do they want?" I ask as Giovanni hands me a gun. "Their Don is dead so they want the heiress to take over." He explains. I shake my head in response but Giovanni assures that no one will take me.

"Get up and shoot." He instructs. I nod and slightly raise myself from the floor but everyone is already dead. "What?" I blurt shocked. "Aurora!" A deep voice roars. I turn around to see an out of breath Enzo. "Thank god you're alright." He pulls me into a hug while I tense up in his arms.

"What about me?" Giovanni pouts from behind me. I pull back while Enzo gives Giovanni a buddy hug. "We killed them." I nod my head but put the safety on the gun.

"I'm just gonna cause trouble aren't I?" I question Enzo but he just looks at me. "Yeah." He responds. I bite my lip while nodding. "Okay, I'll pack." I begin walking but get pulled back. "I never said that I won't fight for you. You're not leaving, end of discussion." Enzo growls in my ear.

I smile to myself and agree. "Okay then, what do we do?" I question but only get a devilish smirk in return.


"WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A EYE IN MY FISH?" Silas yells while plucking at the fish eye. I shake my head in embarrassment, "You don't eat that part." I explain to him but he just stabs the eye.

"Then why the fuck is it there?" He asks. I get up and carve the eye out. "It's for design." I explain. "Design my ass." He scoffs out. I throw the eye in the grass then sit back down.

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