𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 9

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{Lorenzo's POV}
"It was one of the men who raped me." She answers then looks down. I grow angry but feel bad for her. I'm angry that he is still alive but feel bad she had to go through that. 

"What'd he say?" I ask after a long silence. She scoffs the stands up. "That's it?" She snaps at me. I frown in confusion be she continues. "You care about what he said and why I'm crying, but you don't ask if I'm okay? He ruined my life and you care more about him?" She scoffs after she finishes her sentence. Shit, she's right.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying to help." I try to reason. She throws her hands in the air. "Of course, come and help the fragile little puppy." I roll my eyes at her while she keeps babbling about random things. 

"You're not weak." I state. Aurora then rolls her eyes at me, "I never said that asshole, I said you guys think I'm fragile." She clarifies. I shrug at her and sit down. 

"You smell." She points out. I set down my phone and face her. "What's your problem?" I ask once she keeps throwing insults. 

"Nothing." She grunts then pushes herself in the seat. "I couldn't even kill him!" She shouts after one second of silence. 

"Fuck everyone." She whispers. "I only wanna fuck you." I respond in the same tone. She snorts under her breath. She's gorgeous.

"Remember when we first met? You held a gun at me." Aurora recalls. I sink lower in the seat while remembering. "I would've never shot you." I assure but she laughs. "You would've." 

Now it was my turn to laugh. "You were jealous a lot of times, I could tell." I nod my head agreeing with her. "But now you're mine." I tell her then pull her in my chest.

She grumbles a few words in my chest but I ignore her. I lift her legs that are jumbled and lift them on my lap, along with her. She's leaning on my while I use my hands to hold her legs. 

"Sorry. I'm on my period, it's hormones." She explains. I just lift her on my lap and stroke her hair. 

"Don, we have a problem." Matteo announces as he marches in the room. Aurora shifts off of my lap and I get up. 

"What is it?" I ask going over to him. Ever since I've been with Aurora, I've been more calm with my mafia. 

Matteo shows the tablet in front of my face and I see that we've had an intrusion at our drug cartel. "Send some men to view it. I want all cameras in that area to identify the thieves."

Matteo clears his throat and I glance at him with furrowed brows. "That's the problem, they didn't steal anything." I look over our records once more and he was right. "What'd they want then?" I ask. "They sent a message." Matteo pauses once Aurora stands up and meets my side.

"Go on." I order and put my hand on Aurora's lower back and I tease her by cupping her ass. "They sent a message for Aurora." He shows me a picture and I see spray paint on the concrete slab in the warehouse. 

It shows Aurora's fighting symbol on the floor and blood scattered around it. "They paint nicely." Aurora compliments. I scoff while Matteo snickers. I glare at him to shut him up. 

"Donna, we have to put you on more protection." I freeze once I hear 'Donna' come out of his mouth. "What the fuck is a Donna? Do I look like a cat or a piece of candy?" She snaps at him. 

Matteo's eyes widen as she shouts at him. I tug Aurora's hormonal self back into my chest. "Calm down." I tell her and she stops struggling. 

"She's just the heiress Matteo, not the Donna." I assure him, receiving a nod from him. Matteo leaves the room and Aurora lays on the floor. She is gazing at the ceiling and signature lights. "You lay on the floor but not on me?" I ask pretending to be hurt.

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