𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5

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{Lorenzo's POV}
"Bring him in." I demand to one of my men. I roll up my dress shirt sleeves while Dante hands me a knife.

"LET ME GO!" The man pleads as my men drag him in. He is already bloody when my men throw him in the cell. I smirk slightly as the man backs against the wall.

"What do you want from me?" He asks as I approach him slowly while bending down to his height. "I'm going to ask questions and you will answer, si?" I say as I trace the blade on his cheek. The man pathetically nods so I smirk.

I stand back up and Dante hands me his file of simple information. "What's your name?" I ask him with a stern voice. He doesn't answer at first so I cut his lower arm. "Th-they w-will k-k-kill m-me." He stutters. I tilt my head while chuckling. "I'm the only one here right now, not them, so if you don't answer I'll be the one to kil-"

I get interrupted by a sudden screaming. It was early in the morning so no one except me and my men. I shoot a confused look to Dante when the screaming died down.

"I'll be the one to kill you." I continue my sentence when there is no interruption. He cries louder but I don't feel guilty. I take my blade and slice off a finger. The man cries louder while creating music to my ears.

"Alexi." He shouts through his cries as I begin to cut off a second finger. "I know." I devilishly respond. "B-but wh-why did y-you a-ask?" He stutters through the pain. "I don't want you lying to me." I simply say and stand back up.

"Who are you working with?" I flip through the files and images of proof at my docks. His eyes widen in fear which makes me smile. "Yes, I know. I saw you take some of my weapons and stole some of my drugs." I snap at him.

I have an idea of who he might be working with but I usually test my targets. "I can't say." Alexi snaps as I cut off his pinky. "Well no shit." I mumble under my breath. "Is it Giovanni?" I ask making up random names. Alexi shakes his head so I back up getting a small but sharper blade. "Is it Nikolay?" I continue asking with fake names.

Alexi keeps shaking his head so I ask another question. "Is it Claudio?" The man freezes with widened eyes. I smirk at him while he starts crying. "No, no, please! I have a family!" He begs but I laugh.

Without another thought, I grab a gun and aim at Alexi's head. As I was about the pull the trigger the same scream erupts.

I freeze in my tracks when I recognize who's screaming.


I tuck the gun in my waistband and run out of the cell. On my way out I had two of my men watch Alexi while the rest followed me, along with Dante. When I run up the stairs I already see Silas running toward his sister's room.

I run faster to catch up with Silas while Dante does the same. We go to the hallway where Aurora's new room was.

Silas immediately pushes the door open to see what's happening but the room is black. I turn on the lamp next to the door and we see Aurora crying in her bed.

Silas goes over to her and shouts her name while crouching next to her. She doesn't wake up so me and Dante crouch next to her.

Silas shouts her name more fiercely then we see Aurora shoot up from her position. She looks around her while breathing heavily. Once she spots the men next to the door she looks confused. She wipes away her tears from her cheeks and eyes while looking at the three men crouched beside her.

"Sorry." She mutters under her breath. I use one of my thumbs to remove some of her tears. "What happened?" I ask softly.

She hesitates but then speaks. "A dog died in my dream." She lies. I snort internally while lifting myself off my knees. "Stop lying." I demand.

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