𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 24

867 22 1

{Ana's POV}
Holy shit.

What the fuck did Aurora do to them.

The whole room falls silent when a bloody Aurora comes in the room. Is that a patch of skin on her leg? Oh shit- I'm going to throw up.

"What the fuck are you all staring at? Is there something on my face?" Aurora yells at us. Nah bitch, just bloody and someone else's skin on you.

I find myself nodding slowly, as well as my boyfriend- who I have yet to tell him he's a father.

"Aurora it doesn't take more than two minutes to drink water!" Enzo shouts from upstairs. Aurora starts rushing, making me know I won't be getting sleep tonight.

"Was that skin on her leg?" Silas asks me, dropping his fork on his napkin. "I'm not eating anymore," he says, pushing his plate away.

"Me too," I pile my plate on his and stand up. "Mom, dad, we'll be going upstairs," I inform my parents then bolt- like legit bolt out of the room.

"I'm going to puke," I whisper while running to the closest bathroom. I drop to my knees as everything I've just consumed empties out of me.

"Babe?" Silas calls out softly then his sight drops to me in front of the toilet. "Shit, I didn't think the sight would make you throw up," he whispers as he ties my hair back and rubs my back.

I rip some toilet paper and wipe my mouth but frown my face in disgust from the after taste. "Fucking disgusting," I tell myself then flush the toilet.

"You alright now baby?" Silas asks me, to which I nod immediately. "Lets get you clean up," he guides me out the bathroom then up the steps.

We enter our bedroom- my bedroom but we now share- and I look at the time. Its really late but we had to eat later since the incident at the mall.

"Want me to start you a bath?" He asks me. I nod gratefully and take off my heels and any other accessories.

"I did the tea tree mint because it helps with sickness," Silas informs me but I just blow him a kiss since I haven't brushed the disgusting taste out.

I go to the sink and rinse out my mouth before brushing my teeth. Silas watches me but I point to the bathtub to let him know he can join me.

He grins at me then strips himself. I'll never get tired at looking at his body. His abs have tattoos trailing on them and his biceps, oh my. His v-line is so addictive and it tempts me to lick all of his tattoos off of him. Your staring, stop.

"I quite enjoy it," Silas smirks then crosses his arms over his chest. Yeah, I always speak my thoughts out loud, its a bad habit.

"Shut up," I mumble with toothpaste spilling out of my mouth. I tower over the sink and spit out the toothpaste then re-rinse my mouth.

I dry my mouth then shimmy out of my pants and underwear. I look a little bloated but I know it's too early for me to show.

I practically rip my shirt off then unclasp my bra and throw it in the pile. "You look sexy," Silas comments, making me roll my eyes.

"Asshole," I mutter then walk over to the tub and poke to water. Since it's warm, I decide to go in but leave room behind me so Silas can join me.

Silas hums from above me and within a second I can feel him and his hard poking me from behind. I moan from the warm water that relieves my skin and lay my head on his shoulder.

"You like this?" He asks and massages my arms. I nod against him while trying to get closer to him.

His fingers continue attacking my skin with relieving sensations, causing all the stress and bad problems to fade.

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