𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 11

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{Lorenzo's POV}
We found him. They are holding Silas in a cell until he finally agrees to be the Don. We received a video of him being tortured. They said to save him from being Don we'd have to give up Aurora. 

"Do you have everything loaded?" I ask Giovanni. He gives me a brief nod and loads his own rifle. 

"You guys are going to make a distraction-" I point to the trainees, "-and we're going to look for Silas." I point to my high ranked men.

"Lorenzo De Luca!" My mother storms out the front door while wrapping her robe. "What the fuck is going through your head!" She slaps my cheek but I don't react to it. 

"I'm looking for Aurora's brother." I tell her but she shakes her head. "You just got the lead, it could be a trap!" She argues while throwing her hands in the air. 

"You don't know that." I retort back and continue sliding guns and knives in my holsters. "Exactly! We don't know that!" My mom shouts at me. I roll my eyes and slide into the passenger seat. 

"You're not going Enzo, if I have to drag you by your ears out of your car I will!" My mom threatens. I exhale and sigh. "Mom, I'm not going to give up Aurora." I whisper as I think of her gone. 

"Well, what if she loses you. You are not in your right mind so you're going to end up doing something stupid." My mom softly adds. I tug at my hair frustrated. "I don't know what to do! I let her get in my head, I started feeling for her!" I groan and slam my gun on the dashboard. 

"Enzo, come on." My mom tries dragging me out the car but my stubborn ass stays put. "Enzo, get the fuck out of the seat!" My mom booms. 

I put my legs outside but I keep my ass on the seat. "Fine." I stand up abruptly and lean against the car. I point to my trainees who I don't care about. "Bring back three of their men, if you come back with them I'll promote you." I instruct. 

They all give respond by 'yes sir'. My mom looks relieved but I'm not. I haven't slept since I've cuddled with Aurora. I've fallen too hard, and I have to step back from it. She's just the heiress, she can be resourceful to our mafia, thats it. 

My high ranked men start stripping off their vests and weapons. "I'm sorry guys, we have to listen to Mrs. De Luca." I apologize. My mom is like the mom of the whole mafia, so they're like their own kids.

"Santiago's probably excited, he has a lady waiting for him in his bed." Giovanni shares to all the men. Santiago slaps the back of Giovanni's head while Giovanni laughs. 

"You're right, but at least I can pull someone." Santiago retorts. I snort at there constant bickering. "Don't you have a lady to go back to?" Santiago teases. I shake my head and keep the knives in my hand. "I have to torture the men when they come back." I tell him but he looks confused. "Go." I demand, then he skips away, he fucking skips.

"Don't push her away man, you'll end up hurting yourself." Giovanni softly whispers to me. I know he's right, but right now I'm hurting her. Better me than her.

"I'm tired, I'm going to go take some rest." Giovanni says, I nod at him and pat his back. "Be well rested, we have work tomorrow." He sends me a thumbs up which I ignore.


"Sir, we have three men." One of the trainees informs me on the other end of the phone. "Tie them up then I'll be down there." I order then hang up.

Its about 5 in the morning and I haven't had rest. It's tiring but I don't want to go to my bed without Aurora with me. 

She wanted me to sleep in her bed but I didn't bother. She's a major distraction to me. I've started to smile more and I haven't done that since I was 13. 

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