𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 22

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{Aurora's POV}
A smile finds my lips when I spot Igor and Nessa tied up in the cold, bloody metal chairs. They're all bruised up, making me satisfied.

I turn around to look at Enzo and he has an evil glint in his eyes. "Thank you baby," I say then peck his cheek.

He rolls his eyes at me and when I was pulling away he fists his hand in my hair and captures my mouth with his.

I let out a moan instantly and keep up with his dominating pace. His tongue swipes at my bottom lip then he tugs on it to suck.

My insides churn when I feel both of the enemies watching us having a make out session.

Enzo's grip on my hair loosens and he releases my swollen bottom lip then pecks it.

Before he lets me go, he bends down and puts on socks then random shoes because my heels are in a bush outside.

"Go get them," he whispers then smacks my ass. I smirk and head over to the two fuckfaces in the chair.

I pull a chair with me then turn it around so I can straddle it when facing them, showing my boyfriend an image of my ass.

"Hello," I greet both of them. Igor grunts something under his breath but I have yet to understand a word that has left his mouth because of his swollen cheek- scratch that a really swollen cheek.

I decided to keep the fake civilized conversation going for a show. "What'd you find at the mall? Anything good?" I question them sweetly.

"Answer me," I demand then pluck a dart that I've had at both of them. It hits Nessa's boob, hopefully her nipple while Igor has a dart around his V- line.

They both shake their heads but I smile evilly. "Well I found something amazing and sexy," I taunt. I mainly said that to tease Enzo but also-  never mind it was just to tease Enzo.

I hear Nessa whisper something under her breath but I ignore it sense I'll be hearing her screams as I skin her alive in a few moments.

"I spent lots of money on lingerie, lacy lingerie, and holy fuck what the outcome will me," I share, acting breathless.

I smirk to myself when I feel rough but yet soft hands grasp my hips. "Keep talking like that and I'll fuck you in front of them," Enzo threatens.

I just hum in response but reach behind me to touch him, but no surprise flows through me when I feel a hard bulge through his pants.

"Got to wait a little longer then," I whisper up to him and my hands make a return to the front of the chair- well the back of it since I'm straddling this thing.

"Any questions?" I ask while getting up and sliding the chair to the side of the cement wall.

"You think you're funny don't you Aurora?" Igor scoffs under his breath. I just shrug in response and pick up a small blade.

"I don't know, do you find this funny?" I stab him on his thigh, causing him to scream loudly. His screams grow louder as I slowly twist it in him, sometimes sliding against his bone.

"What was that? I'm sorry your laughs aren't available at the moment. Will this help?" I stab him in his other thigh, making his eyes bulge out of his deformed head.

"I guess I'm not funny then," I fake pout then glance at Nessa.

"Hello dear," I murmur then use the already bloody blade to move any crusty hair away from her face.

"How was your day? Eventful?" I ask when a forced smile. Nessa looks angry with her eyes, making me excited.

"I mean mine was, except the part where I had to see you watching me," I exhale a dramatic breath and stand up fully.

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