𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 13

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{Ana's POV}
"Grab her!" Enzo shouts at Giovanni. Giovanni swims under the water and grabs Aurora's unconscious body. 

Giovanni comes up with Aurora in his arms but her hands are grasping something but we ignore it. Giovanni hops out of the water and begins pumping Aurora's chest. "Come on A, wake the fuck up!" Giovanni yells as he continues to do CPR on her.

"Move!" Enzo shoves Giovanni and takes his place. Enzo pumps her chest then blows air in her mouth then repeats.

"Oh my god." I whisper horridly. "She can't be dead." Giovanni whispers from beside me. He notices her hands clamped together and undoes her hand while Enzo repeats the process.

"What is it?" I ask worried and slide next to him. 

"It's her mother's locket." Enzo answers as Giovanni unclasps her hands. "She went down to get it." I slowly comprehend, "And she couldn't come back up." Giovanni finishes. 

"Get the fuck up!" Enzo shouts as he presses on her chest harder. 

I sigh of relief once I see her awake and choking on water. Enzo exhales and falls back while Giovanni puts his hands on the back of his head. 

"Aurora your fucking stupid." I tell her with a light laugh. Aurora doesn't do or say anything, she just looks at her hand.

"Where is- "Its here." Giovanni hands her the locket and chain then Aurora relaxes. "Thank you." She whispers then closes her eyes. 

"I'm going to go to my room." Aurora drags out but attempts to push herself up, but collapses. "After I regain my strength." She adds after then lays down. 

"I can bring you." Enzo offers but Aurora snorts. "No thank you. I was told to not let any man touch me from my mother." Aurora tells him. 

I am shocked by Aurora's words, so his Giovanni, but Enzo is hurt.

"Ana, can you help me?" Aurora asks and looks at me while tilting her head in my direction. I nod and stand up to help her. 

She wraps her arms around my shoulder as she gains herself. I slowly walk inside as she tightens her hold on me. 

"What happened!" My mom and Jocelyn asks as they hurry towards us. "I drowned." Aurora blandly answers with a dark chuckle. 

My mom frowns but Jocelyn is worried. "Darlin' don't joke about that stuff. Ana take her to her room and stay with her while she gets ready." Jocelyn instructs in a demanding tone. 

My mom nods her head, agreeing with her. "Will do." I tell them then literally drag both of us to her room.

I am surprised when I see Nessa in the hallway where her room is. "Nessa, what are you doing?" I ask. Nessa snaps her head towards me and gives me a sheepish smile. 

"I couldn't find the guest room." She tells me then walks closer to us. "Aurora what happened to you!" Nessa practically shouts and squeaks. Shut the fuck up bitch.

"I drowned." Aurora tells her in the same tone she used downstairs with my mom and Jocelyn. 

Nessa frowns but then looks at me. "Where's the guest room?" I tell her the directions and she leaves. 

I help Aurora walk to her door and she opens it. I love the all black decor. "I love your room." I say with a smile as I admire her room.

"Me too, except when there are spiders." I laugh and Aurora walks by herself to the bathroom steadily. 

"You didn't need my help did you?" I ask and she smirks. "Nope, except when you helped me outside." I chuckle and sit on her bed. 

"I'll be in the shower, can you get me an outfit ready?" I nod at her and she gives me an appreciative smile.

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