𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3

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{Aurora's POV}
I go to retrieve towels for Lorenzo then I bump into Dante. "Hey." Dante greets while I hug the towels in my hands. "Hi." I smile at him and he examines me.

He grabs my face in his soft hands and he leans forward. I thought he was about to kiss me but then he swerves to the side. "Can I take you out for dinner tomorrow?" He whispers against the side of my neck. I gulp, loud enough for him to hear. "S-sure?" I don't want to turn him down because it won't make him sad.

He pulls away from me with a wide grin on his face. "Be ready at 8 tomorrow night." He then leaves me in my position stunned. I've never been on a date before.

I walk happily back to Lorenzo's temporary bedroom and open the door. I hear the water turn on but I don't acknowledge it.

I open the door wide and freeze at my sight. Lorenzo turns around and freezes too.

I look at his naked body. His body is perfect. He has perfectly craved abs, tattoos cover his arm, his legs are nicely toned, and oh my god- I'm eye fucking him. I look back up to his eyes and meet a smirk on his lips.

"Staring much?" He asks and comes closer to me. I glue my eyes shut and hold the towels in front of me. "No-uh- I- here." I stutter, but when he doesn't grab the towels, I throw them at him.

I immediately run out of the room with his naked image in my eyes.

"You ok?" Silas asks once I enter the living room. I finally blink my eyes and nod. "Yeah, I have an eyelash in my eye," I lie but rub my eyes to go along with it.

Dante and Silas are playing Call of Duty on my wall mounted 82' inch TV. "Come on!" Dante yells once I see that he dies.

I giggle lightly and make him turn around. "What are you laughing at?" He teases while patting the couch, signaling me to sit there. I walk over there and take the controller out of his hands. "Watch."

I end up killing everyone on this level while Dante watches me with his mouth wide. I hand him the controller back and let him resume playing with Silas.


Someone clears their throat behind me and I turn around to see Lorenzo. I quickly turn around to continue drinking my wine.

"May I have a glass?" His thick Italian accent stands out. I nod while I go fetch a glass from the cabinet.

I quickly stop moving when I feel a warm body leaning against me. My breathing becomes heavy and I make the wrong move.

I turn around to face an insanely close Lorenzo. He smirks while tucking my hair behind my ear. "Why are you so tense?" He asks, still showing a smirk. "I-uh. No." I regain my confidence and shove him away from me.

"Here." I hand him the glass while I grab the wine bottle. "I only have red." I pour the red liquid in the glass. "Cheers." We clink the glasses together. He brings the glass to his pink, plump lips, while I do the same.

"I forgot to ask you something." I remember as I set down my glass. He hums wanting me to continue. "Where'd those gun shots come from?" I ask and he smirks again. I roll my eyes at him as I put my glass in the sink.

"They were just men." He states and follows me to the sink. The white t-shirt shows the tattoo ink when his arm bulges. My fingers lightly graze over a rose tattoo with an E in it.

"Who was this for?" I ask but he doesn't answer. "Don't touch me again." He warns. I triggered his bad mood.

I nod in understanding as I dry my hands. "Sorry." I mutter softly but he hears me. He just walks out of the room without saying anything.

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