𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 16

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{Aurora's POV}
"I knew something wasn't right." I mumble and pull Enzo away from the door. I see Silas and Ana have their gun out, as well as Enzo, leaving me bare.

"Any extras?" I ask with a low whisper. They all shake their heads, but Ana hands me two blades. "That's all I have." She murmurs and Silas goes to open the door.

We all nod and wait for the door to be slammed open.





We all enter at once at look around. There are a few dead men on the floor, but they aren't ours. I look at their wrists then show them to Enzo.

"Bratva." He angrily grits through his teeth. I frown but Ana speaks up. "It's basically the Russian Mafia." She explains. I nod then stand back up.

"Don Lorenzo!" An accented voice booms. We all turn around to face the front door again, but Silas and Ana turn back around to watch our backs.

"Fucking Igor." Enzo growls as he aims his gun at him. "Now, now, Lorenzo, we just want the guns back." Igor smirks then licks his lips as he checks me out.

I get my blade and throw it to his knee, but he catches it. His smirk grows wider then he throws it back at me, which I catch.

"I've always loved feisty." Igor whispers as he examines me. "Yeah, well I've always loved killing perverts." I retort in the same tone he's using.

He continues to smirk, but he glares at Enzo. "You stole our guns, so we took them back." Enzo shouts as he shoots right beside his ear.

"That's because you broke the agreement." Igor calmly replies and looks behind us. His eyes focus on two targets, so I turn around.

There are two men and they have them pointed at Ana and Silas. I use my two blades and throw them between both their eyes.

Their bodies fall and I smirk when I turn back to Igor. Ana and Silas exhale and continue to look back.

"You killed one of my men, therefore you broke the agreement." Enzo spits at him as he grows more angry.

"You're right." Igor responds then puts away his gun. "But, I'll happily kill more people." He smirks then pulls out two pistols, and shoots.

I push Enzo away from the fire as I trust Ana and Silas moved away also. A bullet grazed my shoulder, but I'm fine, for now.

Enzo pulls his gun them begins to shoot Igor's intruding men. "The kitchen on top of the fridge." Enzo whispers and I run towards the kitchen.

A attractive black dude is standing in the kitchen, holding Dante with a kitchen knife on his neck. They're talking, so I assume they have history.

I kick the man's arm up then move it back, knocking the knife out and twisting his arm. His arm in my grip, I stomp on it, resulting in a crack.

He yelps in pain while I just smirk at him. I do a little wave when he looks up at me, and when I look away, more men are surrounding me and Dante.

"What's up boys." I greet them with a smirk on my face. All five of the men are attractive, but not mine.

Two goes after me so I grab both of their heads and smash it together then smash one of the man's head on my knee while my other foot stomps on the other.

"That was easy." I comment in a low whisper. Dante is bleeding when I face him and I look to see a knife in his leg, but not major.

I roll my eyes at the terrible chosen spot to hurt someone but there is one man left. "I'll give you two options; one, you can leave and not get hurt, two, you can stay and I'll serve your head on a metal platter with your body in my garden." I tell him with my innocent smile.

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