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(5 minutes later)


What, the bus, crap.

I quickly roll out of bed and hit my head on the edge of my bed as I fall on the frozen floor.Ouch.I don't even check if my forehead is okay, I just get up and slip on some clothes.I put on some black jeans and a 'Nirvana't-shirt followed by some white Converse. I grab my grey bennie and head downstairs.

I see my brother eating breakfast on the round table as dad reads the news paper and mom flips a pancake.Dad looks up and greets me.

"Good morning sweetheart."

"Morning dad."

"Morning faggot,"Alex tells me.He is 21 and still lives with us.He doesn't even have a job.Hes lucky we have layed back parents.I would have already kicked him from my house.

"Morning fatass,"I say as he adds ketchup to his pancakes.Yuck.

My dad looks at my shirt and asks with a frown on his face,"Is that dresscode?" I look at my shirt and back at my dad.I look around the room and spot a black jacket on a couch.I grab it and put it on.I smile and look at my dad.He laughs.

"Stop playing and eat," my mom orders.

I look at my watch,8:25.

"Sorry mom got to go,"I kiss her in the cheeck."Morning mom."

"Well then take a Pop-Tart.I don't want you going to school with an empty stomach."I go to the kitchen,open a cabinet and get a Pop-Tart.I head over to the door and grab my backpack from the floor.

"Bye guys."

"Bye,"everyone says.

I walk down the street and wait 5 seconds for the bus.Dang,a little bit more and I almost miss it.I get on and head to school.

(At school)

I open my locker and grab my math book.Out of all the classes,I need to have math first.Why?I close my locker and turn around.I suddenly get thrown on the floor by some crazy monkey with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Jamie,oh,Jamie,I missed you so much!"

"Karin, it was just the weekend."

"But it felt like an eternity."I roll my eyes at her statement.

"Sure,now can you please get off me.Or people are going to start thinking the wrong thing."She stands up and helps me up too.


I brush off dirt from my jeans.The bell rings and everybody heads to their class.Crap,where's my book?I must have dropped it when Karin jumped on top of me.I start to look for it.Where is my BFFFL when I need her?I finally spot my book in the other side of the hallway,right outside the boys restroom.How did it get over there?Never mind that,WHY there?It doesn't matter,I make my way through the stampede of anxious students trying to get to class.I finally make it through.I reach down to grab it,but as I do someone walks right into me and hits my head.I fall back on my butt.

"Can't you see where you're walking,"I say through gritted teeth.

"Can you not bend down outside the boys restroom,"it mimics me.

I glance up at my enemy.It was no other than Jace Anders ,the biggest douchebag of the school.There are rumors that say he lost his virginity at the age of 12.Dang.

I get up and brush myself.I look for my book but Asshole had it.

"Give it to me!"I demand

"NO nerd.Not till' you say 'sorry for being stupid'."

"Not in a million years honey."

"Then I'm not giving it."

He suddenly starts to run away with it.I race after him.By now, everyone was in their class.Which meant no teachers in the hallways,and no teachers meant no one will see when I beat him up.He opens the doors that lead to the football field.I'm right behind him like a lion chasing after its prey.Then,suddenly,he trips with his feet and falls face first.I stop running and laugh.Tears roll down my cheeks and I want to pee on myself. Dang.This moment was priceless.I could tell he wanted to cry.

"Does the little baby want me to call his mommy."I say in a baby voice.He shows me his elbow.It had a real nasty cut.

"Oh no,someone got a boo-boo,"I say laughing.

He gives me an ugly look and I stop.He throws me my book and I catch it.I walk away and head to class.

"You're not even going to help me up?"

"Nah,you deserve it."

And with that I leave Mr.Cry Baby in the deserted football field and go to class.Hope Mrs.William doesn't get mad at me for being late.It was all Jace's fault anyway.What an asshole.


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