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The world stops.My mouth drops to the floor.I have a shocked face. Did Jace just ask me out?In front of my whole family?O MY GOD! I am then suddenly disturbed by a certain someone.

"Jamie has a boyfriend!"Alex repeats over and over until I tell him to shut up.He can act like a 20 year-old baby sometimes.

We all stay quite for a while and eat our food.Then, my aunt Lola broke the silence and everybody began socializing.Meanwhile, Jace's hand and my leg are having an uncomfortable fight under the dining table.

He puts his hand in my leg.At first I dont mine.But then it started going further and further down to my private part.He suddenly squeezes my thigh.My cheeks heat up and I give out a slow groan.I keep my eyes on my plate the whole time.He squeezes again and I bite my lower lip.I could see him smiling from the corner of my eye. How can he do it? Talking with my family and acting like nothing is happening under the table.I kick his foot and his eyes widen in pain.He goes further in and squeezes once more.I tighten my thighs so his hand gets stuck.I turn to look at him and give him a forced smile.He leans down to whisper something in my ear.

"You are easy to turn on."

I quickly blush.I open my thighs and he releases his hand.

The evening went by slow.We still had more fights under the table though.We had a good time playing games and watching old videos about my family.But finally the departure came.I walked him to his car and said our good byes.

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