Twenty Two

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After Jace drops me off at my place,I run inside the house to say hello to my parents.Even though I had been gone the whole weekend,I missed them alot.I go inside and and hug Alex,mom,and dad.I eat dinner and head off to bed.

(at school)

I get off the bus.I had slept good last night and felt great.I was ready to learn,but most important,see Jace.Even though I saw him yesterday it felt like a century.As I'm about to open the door to the school,someone grabs my waist and spins me around.Jace.I chuckle as he puts me back down on earth.

"What a way to say hello."I tell him sarcasticly.

He rolls his eyes and holds my hand."So,should we go inside my love."

I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks at the sound of my love.

"Of course honey."

He opens the door for me and I make my way in.He holds my hand again while on his phone.I make my way to my locker,when I am stopped by a horrid sight.I squeeze Jace hand harder.He squints and looks up.His eyes widen and his mouth drops to the floor.

"O my god."that is all Jace says.That is all he can describe what is infront of him.

The hallways were all full of posters.Every wall, locker, door, everything was covered in paper.The poster was a picture of Jace and me kissing.In bold letters read,"The douch and the Nerd." Followed by "Who could beleive that the schools virgin was going out with the school's hottest guy.Pathetic."

People were pointing their fingers at us and lauging.I could feel tears begining to form in my eyes.I have gone to this so many times.I am tired of people humiliating me.Elementary, Junior,and now it was happening in High School.I begin to cry.I can't take this any longer.I let go of Jace hand and run.I open the door and feel the chilly wind hit my face,brushing away my tears.

I feel someone grab my hand.I turn around and hope to see Jace,but it was Andy.I was desappointed,but at the same time happy.I wanted to talk to someone who understood me and Andy was the right person.

"Can-nn we go somewhere els-sse ple-ase."I can barely talk right now.

"Of course Jamie.Come on."he takes my hand and leads me to his car.We get on and he starts driving.40 minutes later we arrive at the beach.

I take off my Vans and let the sand play with my toes.The wind whispers in my ear.This was the place I needed to be at.The wind washes away all my thoughts.

I look back and see Andy leaning on his red Corvet.He smiles at me and I smile back.

"Come."He makes his way towards me.I grab his hands and lead him to the ocean.It was SUPER cold but,YOLO right?

"Are you crazy?!"He tries to step back but I grip harder on his hands and pull him in.

"Yes!"I laugh and throw him in.He falls in his butt.As I laugh at him,I feel someone grap their hands on my legs and drag me.I fall back and Andy drags me father into the water.I spit the salty water that has made its way to my mouth.

We play until sunset.The weather and water got warmer as we played like little kids splashing water and throwing each other in the water.Now we were sitting on Andy's car roof.

"Thanks."I reply as the sun drowns in the sea.The sky lost its color azure blue and has filled with orange hue.

"It was my pleasure Jamie.You know I am here for you when ever you need me."He already knew about what happen.He even told me it was Ryder who had posted the posters.What a bitch.

"We should go.It is getting late.Your parents are going to be worried."Andy looks at me.The moonlight made his blue eyes sparkle like the stars that lit the night sky.

"Andy,please, lets go somewhere else I don't want to go home."I make a sad puppy faceand he chuckles.He stays silent for a while thinking.

"Okay.Come on."He helps me off the car roof and I get inside the car.I check my phone.I had 3 missed calls from my parents,4 messages from Kattie, and none from Jace.I call my parents first telling them that I will spend the night with Katie,lies.I then read the messages Kattie sent me.

Kattie:Heard wat happened.
Kattie:Hey,are you okay?Text me when you get this.

I open the picture.I juat wanted to burst into tears at what I saw.It was a picture of Jace and Ryder kissing.Why?

"Are you okay?" Andy looks at me with a worried face but still has his eyes on the road.I simply nodd and turn off my phone.I dont want to know about anyone right now.20 minutes later we park at a really fancy hotel.The kind rich business people go to.

I wait for Andy to get us a room.I sit down on one of the chairs in the hobby.I think about how a fool I was to fall in love with Jace.
Lol you werent expecting this were you.
Hahaha evil laugh
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luv u
-Alexa (Jamie)

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