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The rest of November went by fast.Jace was nice and charming.He still hadn't asked me out though.That kind of bugged me.He walked me to class,at lunch we ate in the football field ( so we can ignore the hoes),and after school we went to his house to chill.

OMG,his house is enormous.Im serious,it is bigger than the white house.That is how rich he is.He has alot of siblings. I am still trying to memorize their names.But his parents were never there,only his siblings.

So,today is the day.The last day of school before Thanksgiving vacation.Yeah!!

(At school during lunch)

"So,what you gonna do for vacations."he takes a bite of his sandwich and then burps. What a preety face with horrible eating habits.

"Nothing much, just chill.What about you?"I hand him a napkin.


We stay silent until I break it.

" know I was thinking if you would like to...come over for Thanksgiving dinner at my house?"

"Of course, youre family is invited too."I add quickly.

He stays silent for a while,just staring into the horizon.His brown eyes glow.Hes brown hair looked gold as the sun bathed its light over it.

"I would love too.Im not sure about the rest of the family though.They are going to Switzerland."He sais with a sad look on his face.

"You're not going with them?"

"Nah,I'd rather stay here with you in America."he takes a bite of his sandwich.

As I'm about to take a bite of my sandwich,someone suddenly grabs it from my hand.I look at him with a mad face.He smiles and puts the whole thing in his mouth,eating it with his mouth open.

"You pig!You ate my only sandwich."I protest.He tries to laugh but can't.

He grabs one of my cookies and I jump on top of him.

"Dang,you must be hungry!"he sais with a smirk on his face.

I lean over him and take a bit from the cookie in his hand.I wink.

"Yes,I am,but not for the sandwich anymore."

He gives me a surprise look.I look at him straight in the eyes and slowly lean over to kiss him.He kissed me back.But then I feel a tug on my lower lip. HOLY COW,his bitting my lip. I give a slow groan.He gives a small laugh.He both let go at the same time.We both stay there with out talking or moving.He puts his hand on me shoulder.We stay like that until the bell rings.

When school ended,he dropped me off at my house.

"Until Thanksgiving."

I wave bye and reply the same thing.

"Until Thanksgiving."

I run to my room and quickly call Katie.I tell her everything.

"What are you going to wear?"she asks me.

"I don't know.Haven't really thought about that."

"Tomorrow I'll pick you up,11:00 a.m.,I'll take you to the mall."

"Thanks,What would I do without you?"

We keep talking until 5 in the morning.We give our good byes and I go to sleep.I dream about Jace and the kiss we had earlier.


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