Fourty One

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Hello it's Alexa.I just wanted to say sorry for the wait.Jennifer wasn't able to write this chapter because she has been really busy(reading and writting other fanfictions)Hey,it's crucial to keep up with your social,fan,life thing. So,I wrote this chapter.Enjoy.

{ Jace }

" What's your problem? You are literally a psycho bitch. " I say laughing. " Jace, I don't understand.... Why don't you love me? " She asks siting on her bed. I don't know why, I took it by surprise. Maybe it's because she treats me like shit.She used to play with me.Making me believe that she loves me but then she would cheat on me.

"I love you Jace,but you never made me feel special!"

What did she mean by that.Make her feel special?

"What...what do you mean by special?"I ask her curiosity running through my body.

"You only had sex with me one time...I felt like I.."tears were beginning to form in her eyes."Like I was not good for you.I literally would starve myself because I felt ugly.I thought you would not like me because I was fugly."Tears were running down her red cheecks.Her mascara leaving lines of black in her face.

I stay silent for a while.I'm not sure how to response to this.Pitty and guilt play in my stomach.This girl was harming herself to impress me?I feel like a complete dick.

"I wan't to kill myself!"she turns around,opens a drawer and takes out a knife.She places the pointto her stomach.I look into her eyes full of determination.

"Put it down.You don't know what you are doing."I try to get closer but she places the knife closer to her.

"I hate my life.My parents hate me.No one cares for me.And worse I lost you to some stupid bitch."She tightens her grip on the knife,lifts it up and with all her force brings it down.

I don't waste any time and run to stop her.I grab the knife cenimeters from her.

She looks up at me terrified at what she was about to do.I place the knife down and then embrace her in a hug.I read once in a magazine that you never let go off first when you hug a person because you dont know how bad they need it.So,I stand there in the room with my arms around Ryder.I let her get my shirt wet with her tears.

I cant believe I have been so ignorant.Ryder did love me.She cheated on me that one time because I never appreciated her like a female.

"Jace?"Ryder looks up at me,her blue eyes looking into mine.


"Can you please,just make me feel special?"I can tell she really wants this.But,I can't do this to Jamie.I love her to much to do this to her again.

I stare at Ryder not knowing how to reply.Before I can react,I feel a warm hand behind my neck.Ryder joins my lips to her's.

At first I don't kiss her back.I'm still trying to debate if what I'm doing is right.Ryder pulls my hips towards her and I take that as a que to kiss back.

I pull away and look at her.I'm not strong to resist the temptation.I slowly lay her on the bed,my body on top of hers.She takes off my shirt and I take off mine.


I sneek back to my room after Blake dropped me off.

I felt so bad about kissing Blake.I'm with Jace and I have to be fateful to him.I don't care if he fucked Ryder.After all,I didn't even give him a chance to explain himself.

I hope on my bed careful not to make a loud sound.The sun was already out and shinning,telling me today was a freshh new start.

Jace."O,my Jace.I need to talk to you."I whisper to myselve.I reach for my phone in my back pocket(surprised it didn't brake).

I dial Jace number and he picks up on the 3rd ring.


"Ugh it's you."

That was not Jace's voice.

This chapter sucks.But I hope you guys liked it.
More drama!!!!
I'm thinking of doing this thing where you guys ask my questions about the characters and we answer them.Comment if we should do it.
Thanks for 2k views!!!You guys rock!

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