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I walk in with a smile spreading from side to side.Alex was sitting in the living room watching The Notebook.. What a baby.

"Someone looks happy."

"Yes I'm the happiest girl ever!"I scream so not only he hears but the whole world.

"The nerd has a boyfriend?"

Wait were not going out.We kissed twice.Does that make us something? Or are we just friends.I start to feel light headed and go to my room.

"Are you okay Jamie?"

"Yea,I'm just sleepy."I say lying.

"Do you want to eat anything?"

"No thank you."

I throw myself on my bed.A million questions are going through my mind.

Does he like me?
Is he just playing around with me?
Am I just another of his victims?

I like him.But a nobody with a popular guy?It can never be.

I cry myself to sleep.


I wake up and follow my usual ritual.

Brush my teeth.

Get dressed. (Today I decided on some skinny jeans,a white long sleeve shirt button all the way,and my white Converse).

Fix my hair (I ran out of time so I decided on a messy bun).

I ate breakfast with my family and

Waited for the bus.


I go to my locker and got all my stuff ready for my first 3 periods.I see Jace coming my way and I hide from him behind the hall.

I don't want too talk to him again.Im scared he is going to break my heart and plus I don't know if he even likes me.I don't care anymore.Im just going to ignore him.

(School ends)

I walk to my locker to put my stuff away.I was recounting how many times I ignored Jace. Three.

In math he was trying to get my attention by throwing paper balls at me. FAILED.

In art class I didn't sit next to him.I could tell he was sad.He was throwing pieces of crayons at me. FAILED.

At lunch he tried to sit next to me but I made Andy sit next to me.I have to make him not like me.For both of our goods.He tried to get my attention by flirting with other girls. SUCCEEDED.

Now I feel bad. This 'ignoring'thing is making me love him even more.But it can't be.

I walk to the bus,thinking about my science project when some one suddenly grabs my hand.By the soft touch of its skin,I knew right away who it was.Jace.

"Let me go Jace. "I command him,not turning around to make eye-contact.

"Not till ' you tell me why your ignoring me."

"Because I don't want to talk to you."

"Why?"he says almost a whisper.


"Jamie look at me!"He screams at me.Peolpe start to notice us.

"NO, "I say my eyes are watery now and I feel a ball in my throat.

"LOOK AT ME GODDAMMIT."he says with an angry voice and spins me around.He lifts my head up soo my eyes are parallel to his.

"Why?"he asks in a much softer voice.

"Because I love you thats why!"I scream at him.More people start to gather around us.

"I love you and I'm scared of it.I don't want you to break my heart.And plus our love can never be."I'm crying a river now. Good thing I don't wear make-up.

"Why can't our love be,"he asks puzzled.

"Because I'm a nerd and your a popular person."

"Jamie,get that crazy bullshit out of your mind.I love you and I don't care about what others think.All I care about is you."he says loud enough so everyone around us can here.

I stare at his eyes and he at me.I never thought I would do it but I did.I kissed him.

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