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Hello my name is Alexa in real life.My friend and I are writing this story together.Hope you enjoy

@alexaperez101 @kittykatjen



I feel something hit the back of my head.I turn around.I almost had a heart attack.Mr.Cry Baby has AP Algebra with me! The fuck!

3 months in school and I haven't noticed him.I need new glasses.

"You again.Arent you suppose to be dumb.Why are you in Advance classes?"I ask him through bitter teeth.

"Well uess I'm not as dumb as you thought."he sais and smirks.

I turn around but as I do I stick the middle finger at him.Ass.

I wait anxious for class to end.I keep looking at the clock and back at the board as I take notes.Tap-tap-tap sounds my pen as I write my notes.

(1 hour and 30 minutes later)
God Praise the Lord.I race out of class trying to get as far away from him as possible.I go to art and sit down. Finally some peace.I regret thinking that too early.Mr.Cry Baby sits down next to me. What did I do to deserve this God?

"Is it true that you lost your virginity at 12?"

What?I never wanted to say that.My mouth suddenly opened again.


Me and my mouth.Just as I was about to apologi....

"Emo bitch,"and I find myself on the floor. OUCH.

"You're a douchebag."I scream at him.

Some classmates help me up and I go to the nurse.

(Nurse's office)

"What happened,"the nurse asks me in a motherly kid of way.

"I fell from my chair."

"What is with kids today?A student came in earlier and said he fell too."

Hahaha.Must have been Jace.

The nurse disinfects the scrape on my elbow and puts a band-aid.


"Thanks, " I reply and leave.

I head back to art.I sit down and don't make eye contact for the rest of the period.Im soo mad that I keep pressing the pencil too hard and it keeps breaking.I can see him laughing from the corner of my eye.I hate you so much Jace Anders.

The bell finally rings.I head to my locker to put away my math book and get my World History book.Finally a class I enjoy.As I close my locker and turn around,I see him again.He was hanging with Ryder,the Queen B and her other followers.He glances at me, grabs Ryder's waist,pulls her toward him,and puts his mouth on hers.She kisses him back.He stares at me the whole time as if trying to say 'I know you want me nerd but I'm taken'.Please.I force a smile and walk to class.Not looking back at him.

I start to feel this wierd sensation in my stomach.I don't know how to describe it. Jealousy.Noo!Or maybe.I enter class and take my seat.The bell rings and I look around the room.Yes he's not here.But I don't feel happy at all,rather disappointed. Are you in love with Jace Anders?Hell no.I snap myself out of my horrid thoughts and focus on the teacher.

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