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Jace and I are back together.I am so happy that our dilemma has been resolved and things are back to normal.It has been about a month since we have been dating(I know I'm turning into one of those girlfriends who remembers every single date for everything).Although,at school people eye us in disgust(mostly me).I still feel preety sad about that. Sometimes Jace will walk away from me all of a sudden when his friends were around.I need to talk to him about that but, right now I had bigger problems.The art teacher,Mrs Hunter,has assign us a project.

"Okay class,so,for this 6 weeks project-"Before Ms.Hunter could finish her sentence,the whole class lets out groans of frustration.I just sigh.I always hated these projects.I suck at art and having to be graded on it was even worse.This meant I was going to spend another week of not sleeping at all trying to work on my art project. O,don't let me forget that its also worth 40% of my grade.Yay!

"Don't worry class this project will be fun.You will be able to work with a partner."

The whole class jumps up.A few scream 'Yay',while others are already eyeing their partners.I look across my table to see Jace with giant smirk glued to his face.He wiggles his eyebrows which makes me giggle.

"Would you give me the pleasure of working with you?" Gosh,sometimes he can act so cheesy.But I have to admit,I love it.I chuckle a bit and nodd.

"Okay class settle down.This will not be a project like the rest.Instead of having to draw or color,you will research a famouse painter and have to present the information on a poster board."She begins walking around the classroom, passing out the rubric and information for our so called 'fun' project.

"This project will also insist of work outside of the classroom.So,you may have to go to your partners house and work on it.Now,I want you to go sit next to your partner."

Everyone starts shuffiling and pushing each other as they try to go sit next to their buddies.Jace gets up from his seat and walks over to the seat next to mine.But as the sneaky little bastard he is,he places a quick kiss on my cheek.I begin to heat up.I give him a glare,but he just gives me his 'I didn't do anything' face.

"Now,one person from each group come up here and grab a piece of paper.Inside will be the name of the person you will research.You get what you get and you dont throw a bit."

Before I could ask Jace if he wanted to go,he was already up from his seat and heading to the small box that everyone was fighting to get a piece of paper from.He comes back with disappointed look in his face.He sits back down.

"Leonardo Da Vinci.Who da hell is that?"I swing my hand in a 'Bruh' kind of way.I don't know if he acts dumb to protect his reputation or just because he is.

"Mona Lisa."I reply sarcastically.

"O,right.Sorry babe,I don't have the brains like you.So,what you say,my house?"

Lol I know this chapter is short,but I felt like I had to update something if not you guys would kill me.
Whats gonna happen at Jace house :O Luv u.

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