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I sit down next to him and we just stay there looking out into the distance.He breaks the silence.

"Hey,I never did caught your name."

"My names Jamie,"I reply.

"You have a pretty name,"he smiles me and I blush at his statement. Me,have a pretty name.Wow,no one ever told me that before.I thought I just had some ordinary name. We stay silent for a while until he breaks it again.

"You know I never lost my virginity at 12,I'm actually a virgin."He says as he stands up.He grabs a sharp rock and starts writing on a tree.

I was surprised.

"Its just that all the popular people have already 'done it ' and no offense but,alot of people thought that because you've dated every girl in school..."I reply.It was true though.He dated every popular girl in school.

"I know,Ryder,she said if I don't 'Do her',soon she was going to break up with me..And I guess she found a guy who would do her..under the bleachers."I could tell every word he said hurts him.I just wanted to hug him.

"But I didn't want to.I knew she only wanted my for my face and body,we never had a real conversation,all she wanted to do was kiss me and make out with me."he sighs.

What a slut.

"I thought your life was perfect."I tell him.

He was the son of the president of Nike.He was a billionaire.He had cars,money,and houses. Who wouldn't want to live that life? But I could tell there was something worse.You could tell by his eyes.There was never a joy behind them,only sadness.

He smiles and sits next to me.We stay like this for a while until he breaks the silence.

"Come,"he stands up and gives my a hand,I take a it and stand up.

"Go where?"I pick up one eyebrow.He puts an arm around me and laughs.

"Surprise."and with that we walk out of the forest and head to the parking lot.We walk and stop in front of a black Lamborghini.My mouth drops to the floor. Dang I didn't know he was this rich.

"Close your mouth or your going to eat a fly."he laughs.My cheeks heat up.We are disturbed by the sound of a little hoe,Ryder.

"Babe,where have you been?I've been crazy looking for you."

"Were you or were you making out with Bryan under the bleachers again."he sais and tells me to get in the car.Ryder stares at my with her blue icy eyes.I just smile.

I can't hear but Jace and her were arguing.He gets in the car and starts to drive.Before we turn,he lowers his window and sticks the middle finger at Ryder. Bitch.

I start laughing.He just stays quite but then laughs along with me too.

(15 minutes later)

We finally reach a small cafe.It had a brick roof and the outside was neatly painted a sky blue color.It was a decent cafe. The Corner.

He parks the car and quickly runs to open my door.He is a nice person under his ignorance.

"Thanks,"I tell him as I blush.No one has ever open the door for my besides my dad and Alex of course.

As I walk inside the little cafe,I am hit by a gust of different smells.Pies,muffins,cake,brownies,you name it.We sit down be the corner.

"Hello Jace,I see you brought company with you."an old waitress tells us.

"Yes this is Jamie,Jamie this is Marie Laure. "I extended my hand and she shakes it.Her hand was soft and wrinkly.

"What can I get ya,"she asks.

"I want a blueberry muffin with a strawberry milkshake,please,"

replys Jace.

"Um..I want a chocolate muffin with a strawberry milkshake.O and a brownie too.Thanks."

She leaves and it's now me and Jace.

"Can I ask you something Jamie?"


"Why did you slap me when I kissed you."

I stay quite for a while,not knowing how to answer the question.

"Did you not like how I kiss?"he asks with a smirk on his face.

"NO I love how you's just that..that."I start blushing.

"What,"he asks eager.

"It was my first kiss. I knew that you didn't mean it and only kissed my because you felt lonely.That our kiss had no love in it.I was mad."I sat there looking down at my fingers.

"Sorry."he sais sad.

Our food arrives and I eat like I haven't eaten in a century.

(At my house)

We arrive at my house.My parents weren't home yet. Thank god.

He parks the car in the driveway.We stay there.

"Thank you for the food and the drive."

"Thank you for making me company."

He turns around to face me.I look at him back.He raises his hand and touches my cheek.Something happens and now are lips are touching again.This time I kiss back.I cannot explain this that I'm feeling.It's like floating in a cloud.He presses his mouth harder against mine,his hand behind my head.I kiss him as hard.He let's go first.The only thing you could hear inside the Lamborghini was our deep breaths.

"Is this kiss better than the first?"

I nodd.

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