Chapter 17- The Accident

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So far Katrina has been having a great time here. People like her, they accepted her into the club, knowing she's my girl. The girls are with her whenever I'm working, so she doesn't feel lonely. She likes them, but she also misses her friends back home. Tony and Jade tied the knot, I was surprised when Katrina told me and she even showed us pictures from the wedding. I couldn't stop staring at her in the photo, she looked absolutely stunning.

I was the idiot that left her when I could've experienced it in reality..

The gang and I decided to do something fun, like a beach day or something. The girls agreed, saying they're going to take care of the food and drinks, while the guys and I have to take care of the rest. We decided on picnic beach type of day.

The guys and I arrived earlier than the girls in order to set up..

"Yo Eli, where should we set the table?" Chad asks.

"Over there seems fine" I say pointing to a good spot. He nods and walks on to set the table.


"Ugh!!!" I groan out loudly... the girls look at me.

"Everything okay?" They ask.

"Yeah, but I'm having a little issue though." I say.

"Oh, babes what's up?" Paige says.

"Don't laugh, but I have no idea what bikini to wear" I say.

They're stifling their giggles, when they finally pointed to the left one in my hands. I was holding a red one and a tie dye one. They pointed to the tie dye one.

"Thank you!" I shout as I run into the bathroom. I quickly changed. I realized that the scar is showing, I groan internally, knowing I don't have time to change, I put on a long oversized shirt and exit.

"Good, you're ready. Let's get going" Paige says, getting up from the bed, the girls following. I nod, grabbing my things.

We followed her out, getting inside the car, we drove off.

~once at the beach~

We rushed and set everything down, the guys did a good job in setting up. I put my stuff on the table before I took my seat. Elijah came and sat beside me. We greeted each other.

"Ah, it's so hot." Sadie says, fanning herself with her hands.

"Yah!! I'm going for a swim to cool off." Luci says.

The rest agreeing with them. It is hot, not going to lie. Chad decided to stay back and watch over our things.

"You coming?" Eli asks.

"Yes, just give me a second, I'll meet you down there." I say. He nods and heads on down to the water.

I took off my shirt, Chad about to say something.

"Just don't!" I say. He backs off.

I walk, more like rushed into the water, before anyone else sees and decides to question me.

I squealed when I felt arms go around me, lifting me up and throwing me into the water.


I picked her up, but I felt something as I threw her.. hmm...


We had a splash off, guys versus girls. The girls won. Ahaha.

Paige, Sadie, Luci and I were laughing at the guys' loss. We were all feeling hungry and pretty thirsty, so we headed on out. Chad already greeting us with towel. I wrapped mine, quickly.

We each took our seats. We began eating.

During the time we were eating, someone decides to break the silence.

"Katrina, what's up with the scar?" I look at Tommy.

"Yeah, seriously, what's up with the girls and their scars, except for Luci of course." Jude says.

I was stunned..putting my plate aside. I clear my throat, sitting up.

"Sometime when Elijah left for his mission, my group of friends and I went on a camping trip, when we were returning from the trip 3 days after, Tony at the time was driving, some truck driver had road rage and he ended up crashing into our van, I was sitting in the passenger seat. Unfortunately, the impact was very rough and the seatbelt port snapped, I ended up flying out of the windshield. I woke up 2 days later in the hospital, surrounded by my friends and family. I had suffered the worst injuries. The scar is the result of me flying out of the windshield, the glass ended up being stuck in the side of my body, hence the scar. The scar starts from behind my right ear, traveling around my back to my left hip. That's why I didn't want to talk about it, when the girls asked." I explained, feeling the shortness of breath, as memories come crawling out.

They say nothing. Eli comes towards me, pulling me up and just hugging me. The rest followed after.

"Are you okay now? From the accident." Luci asks me.

"Yes I am fine. No internal injuries happened. I went under surgery for the glass removal, but nothing major was affected."

They nodded. They asked more questions, to which I answered. Eventually we decided to go back in the water, them not realizing about the hidden factor I'm keeping from them.

If anyone knew, people would just use that as an advantage and..................


((Hope yall liked it. See you in the next one. Sorry if it's not as interesting, feeling a little writer's block. Going to push through to make chapters interesting.. what is Katrina hiding?))

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