Chapter 20

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When my aunt saw my tattoo, she was shocked to say the least.. she couldn't believe on how much I'm changing. I explained that I'm still me, even if I seem to be changing as a person. I explained that I hid the scar behind the artwork. My aunt already knows about the accident I was involved in and about my rare medical condition.

The gang is busy with work, so I'm mostly been at home for a few days. I've been on Zoom calls with my friends and family whenever they're available.

Jade had asked me if I'll be attending her wedding in a couple of months. I of course, accepted. Her little sister is her maid of Honor, which I find very adorable. Her sister's about 10 years old, her parents have adopted her

Everyone in my friend group is beginning their new chapters in their lives. While my chapter is put on hold, until I figure out on what I'd like to do. I sigh, stretching before standing up from my desk.

My phone rings suddenly, I look at the caller I.D. Paige

"Hey girl" ~Paige

"Hey, what's up? I thought you were working?" ~Kat

"Yeah, I got off early, wanna hang out?" ~Paige

"Yes I would love too. I'm bored out of my mind." ~Kat

"Haha, alright. I'll be there in a few." ~Paige

"Sounds good, see you."~ Kat

We hung up, I took a look at what I was currently wearing, a pair of flannel pajama pants and white tshirt. I opened my closet, rummaging through it to find something to wear. I settled on black and grey marble design yoga pants, top matching with the yoga pants, a pair of white skate shoes, plus a black cap. I got dressed, tying my hair into a low pony with curls. I grabbed my little bag, putting my phone and keys inside.

I hear the car honk, that's my cue. Leaving my room and heading downstairs, I locked the house door, getting in the car. I greeted her.

"Let's go shopping?" Paige says.

"Alright." I agreed. She pulled out of my driveway and drove straight to the plaza.

"Was it always like this?" I ask.

"Actually, no. Before we only had a few stores, when I had left, it was the same. Until, I came back everything changed, which is understandable. Change comes with time too." Paige explains.

"Okay. That's true. As long as it doesn't become like NYC, over here" I say, making us laugh.

"Haha, truee." She says. "I've been to New York when I was away."

"Mm, so why'd you leave? If you don't mind me asking." I asked her.

"Oh, no not at all. Besides, we're friends. So, Jaxson, right? Well, he wasn't my boyfriend always, he was actually my bully and bodyguard, you see there was this other MC club and they murdered my mother, they threatened to finish the job, hence why he was my bodyguard, well over time, I've tried to take my life more than once, I even ended up being in a coma for 3 weeks. He was suspended from his duty, eventually, we forgave each other and we began dating.. one day, I headed on to the club, I had a fight with my father about me being the next Prez after he retires.. honestly it scared me, but if it means that much, I'll do it. So, anywho, I ended up leaving the club and heading straight to his house, only to find him having sex with his ex, who was also my tormentor. Instead of creating a scene, I chose to be the bigger person and left, coming back about 4 years later.. and here we are now." She says, me listening patiently throughout the whole story.

"Mm, wow.. that's a lot that you faced." I say.

"Haha, yeah. Everyone had the same reaction." Paige says.

"Good to know. So, Jaxson was your bully?" I ask.

"Yes, and Chad too. There was another guy, but he settled down and we haven't heard from since." She says.

"What about the girl?" I ask, curious, yet happy that she trusts me to share the information.

"Well, when I came back, she gave us some trouble, especially to Jaxson, until one day, when Elijah came back for Kyle's wedding, I found out that she hired an ex coworker of mine to stab me, since I'm the biker's daughter, I hunted her down and I ended up killing her. I've tortured the guy who killed my best friend, when we were kidnapped.. so killing someone was the most unexpected thing for me to do."

I don't say much, just nod. Paige sees it and laughs.

"Hahah, don't worry. Ever since that, I've never picked up the dagger. Besides, this is just how our lives are. You have nothing to worry about. Anyways, how about you? Any crazy stories?"

"I've always been a city girl, and a private school type of girl, so I didn't have much crazy things going on, until I got into high school, where I met my first ever boyfriend, his name's Adam, we dated throughout the whole high school years, until I found him kissing another girl, I broke up with him immediately. I lived my life and got into Law School, and then the summer I met Elijah, I had much more of an adventurous experience in my life. He was my first in everything, and well you know the rest, now I'm here. Lol" I tell her, honestly.

"Wait, you were a virgin, all until you met Elijah?" That's the first thing she asked, after my little story and parking the car. I unbuckled my seatbelt, both getting out of the car.

"Yes! I know. It just I didn't trust anyone else to sleep with." I tell her.

"I understand, I waited until I was sure enough and that Jax was trustworthy enough for me to give him that part of me." She tells me, making me feel better too.
"Besides, there's nothing wrong with being a virgin"

"Yeah, true. Alright, which store should we go in first?" I ask, feeling giddy.

"That one." Paige pointed to a random store. I looked at her, nodding. We linked our arms together and headed on shopping.


Getting to know Katrina on a personal level is the best thing friends can do. From my perspective, Katrina is an awesome person, she's got a great loving and bubbly personality, even though she's a city girl. Usually city girls and rich girls like to act all high and mighty, but not her. That's why, she's perfect for our group, the club and a great match for Eli too. I've seen his past girlfriends and his reactions, none of them came close to Katrina.

Linking our arms together, we headed on our little shopping adventure..

~Couple of hours later~

We're putting away our stuff in the car, I got off the phone with Sadie and Luci, half an hour ago.

"I'm starving." Kat says.

"Same. Good thing, we're done, let's head to the club and have dinner, everyone is there, we're missing." I tell her. She nods.

I rearranged the bags nicely, making sure nothing breaks, since I did buy a new set of plates, stepping back, closing the trunk when everything went black, Katrina's scream was heard, I felt a pinch and blacked out completely.


I was setting my bag down on the floor in the passenger side of the car, when something covered my eyes, I let out a startled scream and suddenly I black out completely...

((Damn, another kidnapping or some thing?? See you in the next one))

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