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cheryl's intersex

"Please, please Toni just listen-" 

"No! I have had enough of being told to 'just listen' whilst you try and explain your stupid, fucking actions." The brunette shouted, whirling around with fury in her eyes as she quivered before her, bandages loosening from the quick motion. She should not be standing as of now, but resting. "You listen to me! I almost died for you! Died! And what were you doing? You were with her. If you loved me at all, we wouldn't be in this situation!" 

Cheryl reached out with trembling hands to touch her, hoping to calm her down with contact, 

"I know, and I'm sorry, it's all my fault." A hand slapped her away, Cheryl's attempts did not work. 

"Yes, it is all your fault! Sorry will not cut it. I love you, but clearly, clearly, I am not worth any of your love whilst you're fucking every girl you see. And now what? You come running back to me now that she's left you for a man she was already married too? You already had a lover, so why did you do it? Why?" 

"Babe, I am so sorry. I promise it was not what it seemed like." She flinched as she recoiled away from her, a dark and overwhelming feeling of guilt and sadness dropped to Cheryl's stomach like a heavy brick. Her eyebrows furrowed, mouth turned down into a sneer. 

"Have you no shame? Don't you dare stand here and tell me it 'wasn't what it looked like'. I know what was happening between you and her. When I went searching for you two days ago, I saw you two. At sweetwater river Cheryl, a place just for us, surrounded by flowers. As you held her hand and confessed your love for her like you did to me three years ago, I was literally stabbed with a knife by a ghoulie that was focused on killing you. Even then, as I was tumbling around with a knife wedged in my arm, you chose not to turn your head. And when she rejected you, only then did you find me with more wounds than when the ghoulie decided to leave me alone. Maybe if you would've been loyal to your fucking wife, this conversation wouldn't be happening." Cheryl's fist clenched at the sound of Toni's words, if only she would be able to speak, but Toni won't allow it. Too angry to give her anymore time that she already wasted on her, Toni's words left Cheryl deeper in her grave. 


"I never want to see you again, Cheryl." Her eyes widened, searching her face in shock. 

"Wait, what?" 

"Never. Never again will I make the same mistake like this." Toni turned herself away from Cheryl as she said, "And I will not raise my child to make the plenty of mistakes as you did." Trembling, she inhaled a wet gasp as tears continued to pour down her face. 

"You're pregnant with my child?" 

"No. Do not call this child yours, you will have no further part in their life, as if you had any contribution in the first place, since I found out the first week you started fucking her." 

"Why did you not tell me?" Cheryls words caused Toni to let a out a bitter laugh.

"Oh I did try, but each time all I got back was: 'Sorry, tell me later? I have to go somewhere right now."

"If only-" 

"If only you didn't cheat. If only." Once again, when Cheryl reached for Toni, she avoided her, wearing a stone face, tears dried on her cheeks. 


"Don't come running back. If you really loved me, you would not have left me alone for her. If one day I decide to forgive you, maybe I will give you the time of day. But as of now, I want to forget your face." Toni turned to leave. The door creaked as she opened it, light simmering into the room in small rays from the hallway. 

"Please. I love you, I am so sorry. I love you, I swear I do. I'm sorry." Cheryl words started to sound more into pleads for forgiveness. Toni turned to her with cold eyes that were enough to make Cheryl freeze. 

 "I know you are sorry, but you're only sorry because you got caught. God, how stupid was I to even think for a second that this marriage meant anything to you. Forget about my child and I. Forget about you and I. Forget about us." And as the door closed and left a hollow woman in darkness, her knees caved and supported her from the floor. 

Toni's hands scrapped against the walls surrounding the stairs on her flight down. And if she shed any tears on her way, that is no one's business but her own.

Cheryl slid down the wall until she was cradled up on the floor, overwhelmed by despair and fury. How could she be so stupid? She just made possibly the worst decision of her life. Not only had she lost her unborn child, but the love of her life. Her wife. 

As much as Toni wanted to turn back around and walk up those stairs to comfort her wife, she knew she couldn't. Cheryl's sobs could be heard from downstairs. Yes, that brought a painful quake to Toni's heart, but she had cheated on her. And Toni knew her worth. 


She fell up against her motor bike, her hands protecting the wound as she hopped on. The bandages were covered in blood, near enough useless at this point. She took one last look at what had been a place she had called home for the past 11 years and drove away to the only friend she had left.

By the time Toni arrived at the raven haired girl's house, she was in a state; blood poured from her right arm as mascara stains ran down her sun kissed cheeks. 

"Veronica." She whispered weakly. Veronica exchanged a worried look on her face as she stepped aside, gesturing for Toni to come in. Toni walked into Veronica's renovated apartment, to find Archie sat on the sofa watching TV. Archie nodded at Toni and walked away, leaving the two girls alone to sit on the sofa. 

"Toni, what the hell happened." She said as she wrapped her arms around the girl.

"I was stabbed with a knife two days ago, I caught Cheryl cheating on me, I'm pregnant and now homeless." She said with a sad laugh to follow.

"Wait, hold up. talk me through everything."

"I heard Cheryl was being hunted by a ghoulie, so I followed the bastard into Sweetwater river and saw Cheryl and some other girl kissing, and when the ghoulie spotted me, he stabbed me without no hesitation, then I found out I'm pregnant with Cheryl's baby." She sighed for the 100th time, not caring what she looked like or how she sounded anymore. The doorbell rang and Toni flinched at the sound, Veronica got up and opened the plastered door.


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