walking away

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oops this is an angst/toxic relationship OMG WHY HAVEN'T I WROTE SOMETHING IN SO LONG IM SORRY DSAFGASJ

disclaimer: in NO way am i romanticising these type of relationships, and my heart goes out to anyone who is/has been stuck in one.

"Harder." Toni pushed another finger inside of her, causing the girl to scream. Toni watched as she moaned, admiring her features.

"Fuck, Toni, I'm gonna-" And with that, she came. Toni licked the bedsheet and her fingers as she looked at her in the eyes. Moans echoed through the empty walls the bedroom they were in. "Toni," She moaned as she reached her climax. Toni let out breathless moans as she tried to catch her breath. They both collapsed onto the bed next to eachother. She brushed the brunette hair out of Toni's face before she spoke the first thing.

"I should probably get back to Cheryl, I told her I was at work." She started, still trying to catch her breath. "This was great as always, Veronica." The raven haired girl let out a smile before letting Toni go. She watched as Toni dressed herself, and eventually walked out of her door, waving as she did.


"Where the fuck have you been?" Cheryl said as her wife walked through the doors. "I've waited six fucking hours for you!" Toni bit her bottom lip, knowing she was in deep shit with Cheryl.

"Babe, I told you, I've been at work." Toni answered innocently, placing her coat over the back of sofa and made her way over to where Cheryl was standing. She knew that Cheryl knew she was lying. She had that feeling. She tried to shake the thought before Cheryl walked away from her and into the living room.

"Please don't lie to me, I can't take it." The redhead stated, "I know what you do with Veronica, babe." Cheryl cautiously picked up a frame from off the TV stand. Inside the frame was a picture of the two girls back in high school. Toni had those familiar pink highlights in her hair as she sat on the right, taking the photo. Cheryl was on the left, planting a kiss on Toni's cheek, not knowing what their high school relationship would eventually evolve into. Cheryl giggled disappointedly, wishing to go back to those times where nothing was wrong in their lives. Where they were known as Riverdale's 'Power couple.' Where it wasn't toxic. Toni hung her head low, looking at her feet. She should've felt bad in this moment, she had seen it in movies. This was the part where she should apologise. So why didn't she? All that left her mouth was;

"So what? So fucking what? It's not like you're going to do something about it, you couldn't even stand up to your own fucking mother for fucks sake. So do not act all big and strong when you're pathetic and weak, it's not a good look on you." She said out of spite, not realising the effect that had on Cheryl. Cheryl opened her mouth slightly, picking up a pillow and throwing it over to where Toni stood. She walked over to her but before reaching where Toni was standing, Toni headed to the door.

"Who can't stand up for themselves now?" Cheryl yelled through gritted teeth, watching as her wife stood by the door. Cheryl and Toni had many arguments, nothing new there, but this one was different. Their relationship was dysfunctional to say the least, they were always fighting then getting back together, which was soon picked up on by their friends. This argument that they were having was much more heated than the countless amount they had in the past. Toni watched as the sparkle in Cheryl's eye disappeared. Toni gritted her teeth as she smiled devilishly, letting Cheryl know she was going to pay for what she just said. Toni wouldn't let Cheryl win. She looked right at Cheryl, not losing eye contact as she walked closer to her and grabbed her wrist. Her grasp tightened around Cheryl's soft skin, scaring the redhead.

"Toni, let go." She said, not wanting to let down her guard. "Let fucking go." Cheryl shouted before she used the remainder of the strength she had left to slam Toni into the wall. The girls both stared at the red mark that'd been left on Cheryls once pale skin.

"Baby," Toni started, reaching for Cheryls cheek. "I love you, I didn't mean to, I promise." The sparkle had once again came back and placed itself on Cheryls eye, making Toni smile. However, when looking at her wife, Toni didn't see the same facial expression that she had on Cheryl. Cheryls face was a mixture of shock, anger and disappointment. This shook Toni to the core, she didn't mean to hurt her as bad as she did. Toni caressed her cheek before pulling her into a hug.

"I love you, baby." Toni whispered in her ear, not getting a response from Cheryl and wondering why. Nonetheless, she picked Cheryl up as she walked her over to the counter. Cheryl legs wrapped around Toni's as her hands got tangled in her hair. All that was going through Cheryl's mind was guilt.

I shouldn't have raised my voice.

I shouldn't have thrown that pillow.

I should've just left her the first time she cheated.

Toni noticed that Cheryl wasn't into this, so she stopped. "Babe?" She asked, slightly annoyed. Cheryl didn't turn her head, whether that was out of spite, or she just couldn't even bare to look at her right now. This sparked something in Toni. Anger. Frustration. She didn't know what it was, but it was something bad. Cheryl finally had the courage to face her, and what she was faced with was something she'd never dare to forget.

Toni face was oddly happy, it was light and calm. Cheryl knew it was a façade, and really, it was all something that would be dropped in a matter of seconds.

C'mon Cheryl, just fucking do it.

"Toni." She said bravely, causing that happiest to drain out of Toni's face. Her heart sunk in her chest, but deep down, she knew it was the right thing to do. "I can't be with you anymore."

"Excuse me?" Toni said in disbelief, practically pushing cheryl off her.

Cheryl took a deep breath, preparing herself for what she was about to say. "I said, I don't want to be with you anymore. It's so mentally draining waiting for you to change, or apologise properly. It feels like you're not putting anything into this marriage at all, only lies and manipulation. When you stood at that alter 4 years ago, holding my hands, you promised. Promised me that you'd look after and care for me until we die. You promised that you loved me. What happened, Toni. It pains me to the fucking core that we're having this conversation again. But how many times are we going to keep going back and forth, over and over again. You're a bad fucking person."

Toni stood there, admiring Cheryl's braveness. "Come on, babe, I said I was sorry." Toni said to try and stop the conversation so they could carry on what they were about to start. The brunette rested her mouth on Cheryl's neck before being pushed away with force.

"No, you didn't fucking apologise. Saying 'I love you' isn't an apology. And neither is it true. You loved me when you didn't have the weight of marriage on your back. You never fucking liked me after we got married. I should've seen all the fucking signs you left. I'm so fucking stupid for not leaving when you fucked my best friend the first time. Or when you literally forced me to have sex with you, which, if you didn't know, is classed rape. Or when you hit me the first time and told me 'I was overreacting.' Or when you-"

"That wasn't fucking rape, we're married." Toni argued back. At a loss for words, Toni walked off and sat on the sofa, turning on the TV.

Cheryl couldn't believe what she was seeing, or hearing. All she wanted was some acknowledgment from Toni. Some patience, from all the times she had none. Cheryl was done with all the bullshit she had been putting up with. She took her wedding ring off her finger and threw it at Toni, walking out of the front door. Toni turned around and laughed, knowing she'd be back.

Toni had been sat on the couch for an hour, waiting for Cheryl to come back after her 'tantrum'. But much to Toni's surprise she didn't.

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