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cute little one shot of teenage choni laying in bed <3 missing teenage choni A LOT.

also guys, im on holiday as im writing this so it's pretty shit but hey ho, have something anyway xx

"What do you think I looked like when I was a baby?" Toni asked, mainly to Cheryl but she was half asleep. The redhead lay on her side, facing away from her girlfriend. Her eyes were fluttering closed as she tried to stay awake.

"I don't know, babe." She said, voice all raspy and quiet. She moved around on the spot until she found a more comfortable position. Toni played with Cheryl's hair carefully, twisting it around and then running her fingers through it to untangle it.

"I bet I was cute." Toni said, staring at the back of her girlfriends head with a small smile across her face. The redhead turned over to face Toni and quietly said a few words which Toni couldn't quite figure out what they were. Cheryl's hands were out of the blanket and her body was just slightly curled up. She looked peaceful.

"Goodnight, Toni." Cheryl mumbled. Toni rolled her eyes playfully and started poking her girlfriend. Cheryl just grunted and let Toni do what she wanted to do. Toni's poking went on for at least five minutes, until she could see Cheryl's eyes begin to open.

A faint smile flashed on Toni's face when she saw Cheryl awake, however Cheryl looked as if she was about to throw a tantrum.

"Babe." Said the redhead, rubbing her eyes so she could see properly. She turned back into her original position, facing away from her whining girlfriend.

"I just want to speak to you." Toni exclaimed, dragging out the 'u' and putting her arms around Cheryl's waist to pull her closer towards her.

They were spooning one another when all of a sudden, Toni climbed on top of her and straddled her hips. Cheryl rolled her eyes at Toni's need for attention.

Cheryl was now lay on her back with Toni looking down at her, Cheryl couldn't deny that her girlfriend looked even more beautiful at night time. Her brunette hair (which was now all in Cheryl's face) was messy, but looked controlled. Cheryl wrapped her arms around Toni's waist and Toni smiled.

"Finally you pay attention to me."

"Babe, it's 3 in the morning."

"And? You're awake now, so we can speak"

Cheryl giggled at Toni's remark, despite the bravado she put up, she did secretly want to stay up so she could talk to her girlfriend. They had both been at work all day and they hadn't seen each other since early that morning.

"Fine, but you have to get off me first because you're crushing my pelvis." Cheryl said, letting go of Toni's waist. Toni laughed at this, but soon lay next to Cheryl with her arms around her.

"I do think you were a cute baby," Cheryl whispered, getting an excited 'yes' from Toni.

Toni had never seen photos of her self from when she was below the age of 10, that was the result of her emotionally and physically absent parents leaving her and then going into foster care. This didn't seem to bother Toni as much as it used to, sure, she'd like to have someone who she could class as a mother or father figure after she left foster care when she turned 16, but she surrounded herself with the people who she wanted to call family. That being Cheryl.

"What did you look like when you were younger?" Toni asked politely, as she began to play with her girlfriends hair again. When Cheryl heard Toni say this, she turned to face her. She had a small smile painted on her face and before long, she leaned in to kiss her girlfriend. The kiss didn't last long, but it meant a lot to Cheryl. She knew that Toni wanted to distract herself from her past life, and to do this, she asked about Cheryl's.

"I was definitely something, my love."

They both giggled at this, and Toni asked if Cheryl had a photo album they could look through.

Cheryl jumped back into bed with a big folder, her name plastered on it in sparkly red writing with the 'y' backwards. Toni knew that younger Cheryl had definitely done that herself.

Cheryl opened the first page, and it was a picture of herself, no older than 2 years old. She was facing Jason, looking as if she was about to hit him. She had an angry expression on her face, and her short, red hair was blowing in the wind. In her right hand, she held the stuffed animal that was now on top of her closet, it looked cleaner than it did now. 

Toni laughed and Cheryl watched her as she flipped to the next page.

In this photo, Cheryl was a bit older. It stated that it was days before her 5th birthday and she was already getting out the outfit she wanted to wear.

The memory showed Cheryl standing before her little closet, moving outfits to one side or either on the floor. She was surrounded by a pile of clothes, and the photo had caught her mid-turn. Her hair was messy and she was standing in her pyjamas. Her eyes looked at the camera, and it looked like her left hand was coming up to take it.

"You were pretty cute." Toni said, closing the book and putting it down the side of her bed. She planted a little kiss on Cheryl's mouth, before shutting the lamp off.

"Ill let you go to sleep now." Toni remarked, turning over on her side, facing away from Cheryl.

Cheryl copied Toni's actions from earlier, and grabbed her waist to pull her in. Toni's hands rested on her girlfriends, which were connected at Toni's waist.

They were both spooning as they fell asleep in one another's arms.

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