walking away pt2

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oops this is kinda based of the ending of "it ends with us" by colleen hoover. i will recommend that book to anyone until the day i die. oh also, toni's unisex

Her head slammed on the wheel of hers and Toni's car. A part of herself was desperate to go back inside of that house and jump into her arms. But another knew this was the right thing. It suddenly hit her that she had just lost her wife. The woman she was so determined to spend the rest of her life with, the woman she loved so dearly. The mother of the baby she was currently carrying. She pulled down the mirror above her head, hoping to pull herself together, and drove to the only friend she had left. 

When arriving upon Elm Street, she noticed Jugheads car. Great. After some thinking she decided just to get out the car and knock on Betty's door. She lifted her hand up to the red door in front of her eyes, wondering why she was being such a pussy. Nonetheless, she hesitantly knocked. Soon after, Betty opened the door with her oh so familiar cheery smile and a ponytail placed on her head. Cheryl smiled at the fact that Betty was so happy in her relationship. Cheryl glanced over at Betty's hand and noticed a ring on her ring finger. She had never seen it before. Her mouth dropped when she realised and she pulled Betty in for a hug.

"Congratulations, cousin!" She said, hiding all the pain that was about to engulf her into a big black hole with no escape. Betty pulled away happily with the biggest smile planted on her face, however, Betty could tell something was wrong. Cheryl stared down at the floor, fighting back tears from falling out of her eyelids. It was no use. Soon, the tears would all come streaming down like a waterfall in summer. 

"Oh, Cheryl, what's wrong?" Betty exclaimed, opening the door more to get her in the house. Cheryl just shook her head and walked inside. not caring about anything at this point. "Tell me everything, cousin, I'm here to listen." 

"Me and Toni had another fight." Betty relaxed her shoulders and Cheryl cried, expecting it to be a small one.

"Cheryl, it'll be okay, how many arguments have you got over in the past with her." She questioned with a small smile on her face, in efforts to comfort her.

"No, Betty. It's not like the others, I finally had enough of her. I want to divorce her." Saying those words out loud made Cheryl feel oddly relieved. She knew she shouldn't be happy about wanting to divorce what she though was the love of her life, but a small part of her was. Betty smiled at her proudly, grabbing her closer to her and hugging her tightly. She whispered 'I'm proud of you' in Cheryl's ear and that was enough to send her sobbing. No one, and I mean no one had ever said that they were proud of Cheryl. 

"Talk me through everything, If you feel comfortable enough to." Betty asked politely, making Cheryl nod and start her story.

"Well, as you know, we and Toni have had many fights and fall outs. But this one, god, this one was so different. I saw a look in her eyes and I genuinely thought she was going to kill me." Cheryl paused to let out another cry and to catch her breath before continuing. "I didn't want to be stuck in a relationship that was powered off make up sex and late nights out, I just wanted her to love me." 


After Cheryl had finished talking Betty through every little detail about their relationship after marriage, Betty was stunned into silence. Her heart ached for Cheryl, she couldn't even imagine half the stuff she had to go through alone in that relationship because Toni made her swear to secrecy. She didn't know what to say.

"Oh, I'm also carrying her baby." Cheryl fake laughed. Betty's eyebrows furrowed downwards, relaxing her shoulders as her mouth dropped open. 

"How are you going to manage with her baby? Are you two going to look after it together, or alone?" Betty questioned. Cheryl didn't even know the answer yet, she just shook her head and smiled faintly. The thought hadn't even crossed her mind and she was 5 months pregnant. Betty looked towards Cheryl's stomach and asked her if she could touch it. Cheryl nodded, wiping her tears on her sleeve. Betty placed her hand on her stomach, feeling a slight kick on her palm. She smiled as she looked up at Cheryl, who also had a smile on her face. They both sat there until Jughead came down the stairs, asking if there was anymore clean bedsheets but cutting himself off as he saw Cheryl sat next to his fiancé. Cheryl's eyes widened as her mind went somewhere else. Betty knew what Cheryl was thinking due to her nose being scrunched up, and she decided to make a joke into it. 

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