walks in the park

769 19 0

teenage choni bc i love and miss them

Cheryl picked up the phone which was placed face down on her vanity. She smiled as she read the name on this top of her screen which was followed by "Incoming call." The redhead dropped everything in her other hand tapped the green button.

"Hi, how are you?" She answered with a smile, getting up from the stool and jumping onto her bed. 

"Im fine, you?" And there was that voice. The voice she missed and loved so dearly. The voice of her bestfriend.

"Yeah, I'm good. Why'd you call?" Cheryl said, trying not to sound rude.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out...somewhere." Toni had a tone of uncertainty in her voice, it was as if she was worried that Cheryl would say no. 

"Are you kidding? Of course. Let me just finish getting ready." Cheryl said enthusiastically as she got off her bed nearly as quickly as she got onto it. 

"Amazing, I'll pick you up in 20." Cheryl could practically hear Toni's smile down the phone.

"Okay, love you."

"Love you more."

Don't get it twisted, they weren't together. Yet. It was obvious that they had both developed feelings for one another over the past nine years. Maybe at different times, and maybe if one of them didn't know it yet. 


Cheryl ran down her stairs hastily just before she heard Toni's car pull up. She straightened out her red dress she had put on. She had no idea if she was dressed for the right occasion, but nonetheless, she looked stunning. The dress showed her cleavage, but she kept it controlled. It reached just below her thighs and was rimmed with lace at the bottom. Her hair was in loose curls, the front parts resting almost perfectly on her shoulders with just the right amount of bounce. It was easy to say that Cheryl felt more than gorgeous. 

Toni watched as the redhead locked her front door and she sucked in a deep breath, as if she was swept away by her presence. She shook her feelings away, even though she knew they were there. Cheryl stepped into the passengers side of the car and climbed over to give Toni a hug. Cheryl's perfume was suffocating, but in in a good way. A smirk grew on Toni's face as she pulled her body away from Cheryl's, plugged her keys in and started the journey.

Cheryl looked to the side of her and was never met with such beauty. Toni was prettier than the Cheryl in Cheryls eyes. Toni was prettier than anyone in Cheryls eyes. She admired the side of her face, the way her nose didn't stick out too much and the way you could quite easily distinguish the colour of her eyes. Her eyelashes were thick and curled almost perfectly. She had high cheekbones and full lips which held the most beautiful smile in the world. In the bad, dim lighting of the car, Toni had never looked more breathtaking.


It was around 6pm when the girls got to their destination. Toni got out of the car first and let Cheryl out moments after. The two girls stood in front of eachother, this allowed Cheryl to examine Toni's full outfit. Her tight jeans fit perfectly, outlining her thighs and her ass. Her shirt covered almost all of her stomach, but was short enough so you could see her belly button piercing. Over the top of her outfit was a black and white flannel, which she had pulled just under her shoulders and was almost being used as a shawl. 

Toni smiled at Cheryl and gestured for her to follow. Cheryl obliged to this, even if she was a bit sceptical. 

About 20 minutes had passed and they were still walking. Toni's arm was now around the back of Cheryl's neck and her hand was resting on the taller girls shoulder. It was getting darker by te second, but it was still warm. 

"Toni, seriously, I don't think I can walk any further." Cheryl whined like a baby.

"Oh, grow up, we're here now." Toni took her arm back and pointed to a river bank. The bank was surrounded by trees, plants and all sorts. There was an old swing set near the river which immediately caught Cheryls eye.

Toni watched as Cheryl ran over to the swings, then continued to follow her. 


"God, that was delicious." Cheryl said, crumbling up the Macdonald's burger wrapper in her hand. She reached over for Toni's rubbish and put it in the bag next to them. They were still on the swings, rocking back and forth slowly. 

"You know, my family thinks we're dating." Cheryl said, breaking the silence. This got a chuckle out of Toni, who was staring at the sunset. Cheryl grabbed onto the rope of the swings, waiting for the brunette to say something. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just like you so much."

"I know that, I mean, I'd hope you do considering we've been friends for nin-" Toni turned to face Cheryl, who looked confused until a wave of realisation took over her body. The brunette smiled, knowing Cheryl had finally got it after all these years of longing.

"It's getting late, Toni. We should get going." Toni looked just as disappointed as Cheryl, who had already got off the swings and started walking the way they came. Toni let out a sigh and ran to catch up with her. 

"Cheryl." Toni said, almost sternly. Cheryl had realised that Toni knew what she was doing at this point. She grabbed for the redheads hand as Cheryl turned to face her. Their faces were inches away from one another's now, their hands still tied together.

Cheryls breath got caught in her throat.

That was all the encouragement Toni needed. She leaned in slowly and grabbed her other hand. Toni's mouth met Cheryl's, soft and light. Getting her breath back was near impossible, and the least of her problems right now. Cheryl closed her eyes and found herself almost afraid at the thought of what she had done in almost leaving Toni before the night was over. Leaving Toni was the last thing she wanted to do.

They pulled away as Toni watched Cheryl's eyebrows furrow in disbelief. They both took small breaths before Cheryl grabbed the loop of Toni's belt, closed all distance between their bodies and caught Toni's breath with her mouth. 

The kiss caught fire and all Cheryl could see through her closed eyes were gold sparks. All she was aware of was Toni's mouth and Toni's gentle hands that cupped the back of her neck. Cheryl's hands pushed aside the fabric of Toni's t-shirt to get at her bare skin underneath. 

It took them an embarrassingly long time before they both remembered that they were in the middle of a road, and they were merely 10 minutes away from Toni's car. They pulled away from eachother and smiled, before Cheryl took Toni's hand into her own and began walking down towards the car.


The journey back was longer than the journey there. Toni's hand was gliding up and down Cheryl's thigh the whole way and sometimes she'd draw love hearts with her fingers. Neither of them said anything to one another, but they didn't have to. The actions from earlier expressed more than words could ever say.

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