spiked drink

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MASSIVE TW: drugs/rape!!

Toni walked to her wardrobe, and picked out the one outfit her father told her not to wear. After getting the approval from Cheryl, who was sat on Toni's single bed, she ran into the bathroom eager to try it on, but mostly to piss off her alcoholic father.

Toni had grew up with her father, though he didn't deserve to even have a child. Her mom had left five years prior, presumably because of her dads erratic behaviour and drinking. Toni never knew the actual reason because she left without saying goodbye. This had hit Toni hard. With her dad escaping from his feelings into a bottle most of the time, Toni had no one other than Cheryl to air her frustrations to.

The majority of the time, Toni didn't eat, considering she never learnt how to cook and her dad was always passed out on the sofa, not even fit enough to move from there to the bathroom most days. Cheryl, however, lived with her nana. Cheryl would often bring Toni leftovers from Pops and if she was lucky, she'd get an invite to her house to eat with them. Cheryl hadn't had an easy life, just as Toni hadn't. Cheryl's dad had killed himself, whilst her mother didn't want anything to do with her when she found out she was gay, which was hard for her. She had been loyal to Toni.

Cheryl began to laugh and giggle at how rebellious Toni Topaz had become. The brunette walked out the bathroom, straightening her clothes out, smiling at herself. Cheryl walked over to her girlfriend, pushing her lips onto hers, Toni not hesitating to kiss back. They stumbled over to the bed, not letting go of one another.

"I do not want you drinking tonight." Toni's father boomed from the doorway, making the girls pull away from each other.

"That's ironic." Toni whispered under her breath, making Cheryl giggle and hit her gently on the shoulder.

"You don't know what might happen." He slurred as he stumbled out the doorway and back to the couch presumably. Toni just wanted some fun, to be seen as 'cool' in front of her popular friends.

Toni had put on the makeup Cheryl had snuck into her purse and was reminded how beautiful she looked by her girlfriend every two seconds.

"You ready, babe?" Cheryl said, looking at her.



When the two girls arrived at the party with a few other serpents, Toni had already downed most of her drinks and felt the earth spin below her feet as she stood up to walk over to the dance floor, gesturing Cheryl to dance with her. Cheryl got up and walked over to Toni, a concerned expression on her face, but soon shaking off her concerns, after all, Toni was just having fun, right?

The girls danced for hours on end before Toni removed herself from the main arena, trying to find a bathroom. She was stumbling across the grey carpet on a mission to find the toilets, but she couldn't, and the urge to vomit became stronger by the second. Toni bumped into many people on her journey and was pissed to see her ex, Alex kissing Sweetpea. She rolled her eyes at the two and carried on walking.

"Why are you crying?" Someone asked her, when she bumped into him.

"It's nothing," She choked back, stubbornly. The older man knew he wasn't going to get an answer, neither did he care that she was crying, but the fact that she was completely wasted, and the crave for Toni became unbearable.

"You uh, you look gorgeous." The man said, making Toni feel uncomfortable.

"I have a girlfr-" She stammered out, before a drink was placed in her hand by the stranger, which would have came to Toni's suspicions if Toni was sober, but she drank it, dismissing the white powder at the bottom of the cup.

She puked over the mans shoes, but he didn't mind because he thought she looked even sexier when she vomited out salad and alcohol.

"I want to show her something." He said, as she vulnerably and stupidly made the biggest regret of her life. The night was cold with the stars sprawled across the sky. Goosebumps began to form across her legs, drunk out of her mind and too weak to push the older figure off who was now pulling her short dress up to her hips. The dress her father told her not to wear.

Her body was burning, the only heat sources in the night as the man continued to take advantage of the girl he loved so much. The lust and wanting to rape Toni overpowered him. Hot and sticky tears smudged the makeup belonging to her girlfriend, and her fathers wise words hit her harder than ever before.

"I do not want you drinking tonight, you don't know what might happen,"

Toni couldn't stop crying. She regretted being female. She felt him pull down her underwear, now leaving her fully naked. She used every power she had left in her to try and kick him away, however he grabbed her legs and tied them either side of the bed with a rope, exposing her thighs and womanhood.

"Gorgeous," She heard him say as his lips made their way in between her thighs. He then came up and started kissed her keck as she felt him push a finger in her. Her eyes closed as her sobs became silent, until she felt another finger go in as he thrusted it in and out, over again. The pain was unbearable as she felt something inside of her that she needed to release.

Everything had stopped. It was finally over, so she thought. The man took off his clothes and got between her legs once again, pushing his dick into her. It was if she couldn't make sense of what was real anymore. Her body was numb, her mind was blank and eyes void of any emotions.

There she was, laying naked in the middle of the bed, no one around her. She could barely hear her name in the distance as she shut her eyes, hoping she wasn't imagining it.


"Toni!" Shouted her girlfriend as she banged on every closed door in the building, until she came across the one which held a weak brunette inside. Cheryl's hand covered her mouth as her legs gave way, causing her to collapse to the floor at the sight of Toni.

She rushed over to the bed as she sat next to her, untying the roped that had been cutting off circulation in her legs. She stroked her head whilst calling fangs and sweetpea.

"Baby, it's okay, i'm here, Sweets and Fangs are on their way." She whispered into her ear, only received a weak nod back. The boys came rushing in the room to find Cheryl sitting on the bed with Toni next to her. Cheryl covered Toni up with the duvet as Sweetpea and Fangs searched for her clothes, which were scattered across the floor.

The boys left the room, giving Cheryl privacy to get Toni dressed. Toni winced every minute or so as Cheryl carefully dressed her girlfriend. Cheryl had an overwhelming feeling of guilt come across her body.

"I am so fucking sorry this happened to you baby," She said, as tears filled her eyes whilst pulling the dress up. Toni lay there, almost lifeless as she grabbed for the redheads hand and squeezed it, in a way of fear. "I'm going to pick you up now, are you okay with that?"


Cheryl lifted up Toni bridal style as they walked out the door. She placed her in Sweetpea's car and sat next to her, not letting go the whole way home.

The car came to a stop as they arrived at Fangs's trailer. Fang's stepped out the car, waving Sweetpea goodbye, Cheryl mouthed 'thank you' to the taller boy as he drove off.

Cheryl carried Toni to Fangs's bedroom and lay her on the bed, pulling out her emergency hoodie from her bag.

"I'm sorry." Toni muttered, as Cheryl dressed her for bed.

"Don't you ever fucking say sorry, that was not your fault." She replied back, slipping one of her own hoodies over her girlfriends head. She caressed her back as she jumped on the mattress next to her, Toni burying her head into the crook of Cheryl's neck. Cheryl's smell lingered in the hoodie, making Toni instantly feel safe, ignoring the fact that she was immediately next to her anyways. "Do you want me to sleep on the sofa tonight?"

"No, please don't leave me alone." She replied weakly, her eyes heavy and face puffy from crying.

"Okay." She said, pulling the covers over both of them. "How do you feel now?"

"Like i've just been raped."

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