car crash

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Tw; gore + alcohol usage

"God, you're so fucking oblivious, Cheryl!" Toni screamed out of anger, walking around the living room. This was Cheryl and Toni's first argument and neither of them really knew how to handle it.

"Listen, babe, I know you're pissed off with Jughead, but why are you taking it out on me?" Cheryl asked, teardrops forming in her eyes due to the loudness of her girlfriends voice.

"Because it's your fault! Maybe if you took a look around you and cared about someone but yourself for once, you'd realise how selfish and disgusting you're acting towards m-" Toni paused, realising what she just said. 


That word brought back horrible memories for Cheryl, and Toni was aware of it. In fact she was the first person Cheryl ever trusted enough to tell her about it. Cheryl's mom was a bad person. She would call her homophobic slurs, names and all sorts of other things. The word 'disgusting' was the one she would tend to use the most, meaning it had a big impact on Cheryl. Toni reached out for Cheryl's cheek, wiping the fallen tear off of her cheek, in hopes she could see how sorry she was. 

Cheryl jerked backwards, her mouth opening in shock. She let out a disappointed laugh, alerting Toni that she was hurt. 

"Cheryl, you know I didn't mean it like that,"

"Get out," The redhead whispered under her breath, not even baring to look at Toni in the eye.


"I said, get the fuck out of my house." Her voice began to shake as Toni blinked back tears. She picked up her coat and opened the front door, looking at Cheryl who was still looking at the floor, but this time her hand were supporting her stomach like she was about to throw up at the sound of Toni's words. "I can't even look at you right now." She manged to get out before running up the stairs. Halfway up the staircase, Cheryl heard the front door finally close, meaning Toni had heard what Cheryl had muttered. 

Outside, Toni sat in the car, slamming her head off the steering wheel out of frustration. She pulled down the mirror and looked at herself through the clear lens. 

"You're so fucking stupid, Toni." She let out a sad giggle before she began to ball her eyes out. Wiping away her tears, she plugged the keys into the car and drove to the only place that was open at this time. 


Toni entered La Bonne Nuit and was immediately hit with the blazing lights and loud music. It took a whole hour before Toni took a whisk from the beer bottle left over, leading to more and more drinks. She was feeling dizzy and moved towards the booth, in attempt to walk over she fell forwards into a glass table, smashing her head up against it. Veronica ran up to her, pulling her up. 

"Jesus Toni, are you okay?" 

Toni was silent as she squeezed her head against the dripping blood. Everyone went quiet and stared at the serpent. All until Toni raised her hand and shouted, "Yes, lets do it again!"

Everyone laughed and continued partying, Toni sat in booth 12 with Veronica holding an icepack to her head and dialling Cheryl. 

"Stop it, don't call her." Toni slurred over the loud music, pulling the phone away from Veronica. 

"Toni, you're drunk and you're bleeding, who else am I meant to call!" 

Toni hung up the phone and dropped it onto the table, waving her hands all over the place and stuttering on her words. 

"No. No, no n- we don't need to get her worried. You kn- know dude dude right? Hey, I said dude twice twice, Oh, oh." Toni burst out laugh, causing her to nearly fall over again, only to be caught by Veronica. 

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