walking away pt3

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woah first time ive ever done a third part to these stupid little stories i write every once in a while THANK YOU TO meenatopaz23 FOR THE IDEA LY <3 

It was the day after Emmy's second birthday and Cheryl and Minerva were still picking out pieces of confetti out of their sofa. Cheryl and Minerva had been dating for just over 9 months at this point, and they couldn't be happier. Except Cheryl, but she didn't know that yet. Cheryl was happy for the most part, but there was something missing. Something that she was still trying to figure out. 

Minerva was extremely supportive of Cheryl and the schedule she had with Toni. Cheryl couldn't be more thankful to her for understanding and helping her with her baby. Cheryl had been at work for the past six hours, she had recently got a new job with a good income, meaning her and Minerva could stop renting their house and actually buy it. 

Minerva sat on the floor opposite Emmy and motioned for her to walk to her, Emmy obliged to this and came running into her arms. They both laughed as Minerva smothered her with kisses. 

"Your mommy's going to be so proud of you when she comes home, sweetheart!" Minerva whispered to Emmy as she held her tightly. They both stared at the door as Cheryl came walking in with a smile planted across her face. This mirrored onto Minerva's and Emerson's face, as Minerva walked over to Cheryl. Cheryl kissed Minerva as the brunette happily pulled away, full of excitement to show her what Emmy did. 

"You're not going to believe it, babe!" Minerva exclaimed with glee, Cheryl soon let out a laugh at her girlfriends mood. It made her happy to see her happy. Minerva sat on the floor once more and asked Emmy to walk over. Again, Em waddled slowly over to Minerva and jumped into her arms. Cheryl dropped to the floor next to her girlfriend and daughter, hugging them both tightly. 


"Alright, baby, bed time." Cheryl said to the sleepy toddler in her arms. "You've got to be up early so you can go to mama's tomorrow, okay?" The redhead placed Emerson down in her cot and kissed her on the forehead. She admired the baby and acknowledged how much she resembled Toni. They both shared the same facial structure, skin tone, hair colour and most importantly, the same eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes that took Cheryl back to high school. Those same eyes that every time she looked into them, felt as if she was falling in love with Toni all over again. Minerva's soft voice broke Cheryl out of her thoughts, causing her to smile. 

Cheryl stared at her girlfriend who was leaning up against the door to the nursery, a small smile on her face. "Everything okay, sweetheart?" She asked, concerned about how Cheryl had been acting through out the day. Minerva was very observant. She could usually figure things out extremely quickly, a trait she shared with Cheryl. But she couldn't quite figure out why her girlfriend had been acting oddly distant ever since she got home. 

"Yeah, I'm all good." She lied with a smile, acknowledged by Minerva. Nonetheless, they both walked out the room together. 

Cheryl got dressed into her pyjama's as Minerva lay on their bed, trying to read her like she was a book. It was no use. There was one thing that Minerva didn't know, and that's saying a lot considering how open Cheryl had been with her throughout their relationship. It would've been Cheryl and Toni's 6 year wedding anniversary tomorrow. Cheryl jumped in the bed next to her girlfriend, turning off the lights as she did so. Minerva bit the inside of her cheek, knowing Cheryl needed to tell her something.

"There's some-"

"Babe, I don-"

The two started speaking at the same time, making both of them laugh. Minerva politely told Cheryl to go first, and she did.

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