love letters

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"I'm absolutely shitting it, Veronica." Toni said with her head hung low. She was clothed in a black suit, with a pearl coloured rose in her top pocket to match Cheryls dress. She ran her shaking hands to the back of her neck as she lifted her head up to stare at the ceiling. 

Her and Veronica were the only ones left in the dressing room, as the other girls had gone to take their seats for the ceremony.

"You'll be okay, this is one of the easiest parts, You two won't see one another anyway." She paused to fix the now crooked flower in Toni's suit. "There, you're all finished." Veronica put her hands over her mouth in a state of shock and awe. She was proud of herself for making her look even more beautiful than she already was. Of course Veronica had help from others, but let's be honest, it was mostly her doing. 

The bride walked over to wear the mirror was situated and stood there, examining the person she just didn't recognise in the reflection. Her hair was pinned back into a loose bun, two strands were pulled out at the front and shiny pinks were placed throughout. 

"Oh, wow." The brunette exclaimed, a small but affectionate smile appearing on her glammed up face. Slowly, she ran her hands down her body, straightening the pieces of fabric once more, before walking over to the table to pick up the note she had spent the past three days writing. She let out a few shaky breaths before putting the piece of paper close to her heart. Tears were already forming in Veronicas eyes. 

"Come on, or she's going to think you've changed your mind." The raven haired girl said through tears. Toni let out a laugh before running up to Veronica and hugging her. Veronica wrapped her arms around the slightly smaller girls neck.

"Thank you." She said into the crook of her neck as she let out a few stray tears fall onto her best friends dress. Toni quickly lifted her head up and wiped the tears off Veronica clothes and muttering a small 'sorry'. They both laughed as they looked at one another. 

Veronica caressed Toni's cheek as she got rid of her tears. "Ready?" She asked quietly.

"I guess I have to be." 


"Careful, there's a lamppost there." Veronica laughed as she held her hands over Toni's eyes, but very lightly as she didn't want to ruin her (amazing) makeup job. Veronica instructed Toni to keep her eyes closed as she removed her hands and guided Toni to a pillar. Toni's breath became hitched as she heard the soft sound of heels come closer to her. her eyes were still closed, but the temptation to open them was nearly unbearable. 

Veronica let out an audible gasp as she saw the second beauty whose presence was enough to send someone falling to their knees in awe, with Betty holding her hands over the redheads eyes. 

The auburn hair which stopped almost perfectly on her chest was covered in sparkles and silver pearls which brought out the red even more. Grasping around every curve and imperfection, her dress showed the best of her and left a little to the imagination. It sat upon her pale skin as soft as petals and it's hue the many shades of white. 

Never had something contained such beauty and fairness all at once. 

Betty lead Cheryl to the opposite side of the wall to Toni and removed her hand from her eyes. She instructed her to keep her eyes closed though, just as Veronica did to Toni. 

"We'll leave you guys to it then, and we'll see you at the ceremony." Betty exclaimed with a smile, taking Veronica's hand in her own and walking away into the distance with her.

Cheryl and Toni had always wanted to do this at their wedding. Before the ceremony started, they would share love notes about all the things they love about one another. However, they both agreed to stick to the tradition that they wouldn't be able to see eachother until Cheryl walked through the door with her nana on her arm.

Which takes us to now.

"I was scared you'd bail." Cheryl said softly, her eyes shut even tighter than they were before, almost as if she was trying to stop something from entering.

"I wouldn't have sat in that uncomfortable ass chair for the past 3 hours just to bail on the love of my life." 

They let out familiar laughs as they reached for another's hands.

The two girls held each others hand around the pillar and let go when Toni dropped the paper into Cheryl's palm. Cheryl gave Toni her paper too and only then, when they had turned their backs to their soon to be life long partners, could they open their eyes.

Cheryl's tiny envelope was addressed to 'l'amour de ma vie et le gardien de mes jours.' The redhead ran her fingers of the seal as she began to peel it back. Inside was handwritten note on some perfectly kept paper.

She blinked a few times before beginning to unfold it and read it to herself as Toni did the same thing. 

For my dearest, TT.

I had restarted this at least ten times and then I came to the realisation that no words on a page could ever even begin to describe the love i feel toward you. Because of you, I sometimes vaguely know who am. And I feel free, I feel alive when I'm with you. You make everything better. I find myself wanted to the best version of me because of you, you let me love you harder and harder each day and if you could see how beautiful you are in my eyes, you would never even begin to question why I treasure you so much. There's a lot of things I love about you, but one of the main things is how comfortable we are around eachother (and, no, I'm not talking about showering together.) Your true, stupid, self is what I fell in love with all those years ago. Allowing myself to become vulnerable with you was my second best decision I've ever made - the best being saying yes to your proposal. You always find some sort of way to light up a room, whether that being with your smile, or simply just your presence. You make life worth living and you and I in this moment, is my forever.

I don't know if I will ever be complete, but I know whatever I am, you are the rest of me.

- All my love,

               Forever and always,

                         Cheryl x


To the love of my life,

everyday i wake up, i choose to love you. i will continue to choose you everyday until our forever. i choose to love you, cherish you and spoil you, i choose to be loyal to you, i choose to be honest with you and i choose to fight for you because you are the most deserving of all these things and more. i have loved you, but i haven't always shown it well. but i will try everyday to do better, because you make me a better person, i never knew love, i never knew understanding, before you. you've fixed me in more ways then i though possible. you showed me how beautiful the smallest things in life are. i cant begin to thank you enough for pulling me out of my darkest times. i wish to show you even a fraction of what you've showed me. i want to rescue you from where you are and cuddle you and live in london because thats what you deserve. you deserve all the love in the world.

i was made to love you.

i love you.

- TT 


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