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guys you'll never believe it, but im actually writing a smut wish me luck

The girls sat on Toni's bed as Cheryl was doing her homework. Cheryl preferred Toni's bedroom to her own, the main reason being that she could steal any clothes out of her girlfriends closet. The two went to different schools, meaning they only had after school hours to hang out. Cheryl's school wasn't open today, but Toni's was.

I think we all knew where this was going.

Toni watched Cheryl as she lifted her hand up to her hair and placed it behind her ear. Toni still couldn't comprehend how naturally gorgeous she was. Cheryl went back to writing notes down and the brunette continued to watch her in complete awe.


By this point in time, the two had been dating for 7 months; but if you asked Cheryl, she would say,

"Actually, it's 7 months and 19 days, meaning it's closer to 8 months." With her same old smug smile.

But thats besides the point. Cheryl and Toni were known all around the school, and everyone loved them. Of course, Cheryl was used to all the popularity, but Toni on the other hand wasn't.

Sometimes it overwhelmed her, consumed her, took away her rights to do whatever she used to be able to do. Sometimes it made her want to crawl into a hole and never come back into reality. However, having Cheryl by her side, day by day, made this tragic and scared feeling a little bit better. Because that's what Cheryl did, whether it was knowingly or not, she made Toni feel better.

Cheryl and Toni had done everything you would expect a high school couple to do: party, go on cute dates, cry to one another, get into petty arguments over the smallest things, watch movies (although, they'd never actually watch said movies, if you know what i'm saying.) However, despite all this cliché nonsense, there's one thing they had never done.

Make love.

Neither of them were virgins if that's what you're thinking, but they both knew that this first time with one another would be special.

Which takes us back to today.


Cheryl lifted her head up from the notes she had been scribbling down for the past ten minutes, only to find Toni still watching her every move with a cheesy little smile on her face.

"Are you gonna' help me, or just stare at me." Cheryl said with a laugh. Toni shook her head and lifted her hand up to Cheryl's cheek.

"I like the second option." Their lips met and they could feel each others smiles during the kiss. The door began to open as the girls became blind to anything and anyone around them.

"Hey, T, dad was wond-" Toni's older brother held the door handle like his life depended on it as his mouth gaped open. He continued to stand in the doorway as Toni pulled away from Cheryl and placed her hand on the redheads thigh. "Oh okay, guess you already have a meal."

"Oh my god." Cheryl laughed to herself.

"What do you want, I'm in the middle of something here." Toni answered, clearly frustrated.

"I can see that." He said looking over at Cheryl. Toni was happy that Cheryl and her brother had a nice bond with one another, she couldn't have asked for anything more of them. "Dad was just wondering why you weren't in school today."

"Uhhh," She paused and looked over to Cheryl, who was trying to hide her laugh with her hand. "Nah, I was feeling really sick this morning so I didn't go in." She badly lied.

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