sleepover shenanigans

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i'm so so so sorry for the lack of stories!!!
btw, this one is based off something that happened w me and my girlfriend when we first got together (a whole two years ago!!)

It was that time of the sleepover where they had ran out of things to do, all the food, snacks and alcohol were gone and everyone was just about to fall asleep. But not everyone. Kevin piped up from the far left of Veronica's lounge, clearly not sober, but they had all been drinking since 1pm so it wasn't only him.

"What about spin the bottle, but with a twist?" He slurred, walking over to the girls who were sat in the middle of the room. Veronica and Betty were hogging the couch, leaving Toni and Cheryl to make themselves comfy on the floor. As he sat on the couch, he continued his idea. "So, it's like spin the bottle, but mixed with seven minutes in heaven."

It was awkward between Cheryl and Toni, they'd only been broken up for 2 months and neither of them had even though about moving on just yet, they weren't ready to let each other go. For the most part, it was mutual decision, but both of them knew they will always have a place in their life for the other. They sat in silence, staring at the wall as everyone else started to form a circle on the floor. Cheryl gave Toni a polite smile as she went to sit next to Veronica.

"Right, I'll go first." And with that, Veronica reached over slightly and spun the bottle. Not one person took their eyes off the spinning glass. Veronicas started to giggle as it slowly started to reach a stopping point on Kevin, who for a second looked a bit scared, but then started hysterically laughing as Veronica crawled over to him in a jokey manner.

"Come here baby cakes." Laughed veronica, grabbing Kevin's hands and taking him into the closet.


After a while of awkward silence between Toni, Betty and Cheryl, Kevin and Veronica submerged from the closet.

"That's why I'm gay." He whispered and the whole group laughed, apart from Cheryl.

Cheryl didn't want to ruin the night for everybody, but sometimes she was sad, and that's okay. She couldn't really explain why she was so down, but she was sure the break up was a major factor. Her sadness didn't go unnoticed by Toni, who leant over and nudged her to ask if she was okay. Without even lifting her head, she replied with a small nod toward the floor. Toni sighed reluctantly, and looked back to the game.

"Toni, you're up!" Shouted Veronica. 

Toni reached over and spun the bottle. She didn't care who it landed on, as long as it wasn't her. For what felt like years, the bottle kept spinning, until it came to a sudden stop on the redhead sat next to her. Closing her eyes to gain composure, she tried to laugh it off. 

"Come on guys, I don't think Cheryl would want to."

Veronica and Betty stared at one another, with a guilty expression plastered on both their faces. "You guys dont have to do th-"

"It's just a game, guys, it's whatever." And with that one interruption, the two girls walked out of the lounge.


"So." Toni broke the silence, much like she used to. She placed her phone on one of the empty shelves and the seven minute timer lit up the lock screen.

Cheryl couldn't even look Toni in the face at this moment. That broke Toni's heart a little. She thought, after everything they had been through together, Cheryl would've at least shown a little empathy toward the situation at hand.

"You never called." Cheryl solemnly stated. The inner corner of her cherry lips started to down turn into a frown as her eyebrows began to furrow - not out of anger, yet confusion. 

"I didn't know what to say to you. Each time I tried calling, I hung up before I heard the ring." She truthfully said. There was a soft silence lingering now, it wasn't awkward anymore.

"I just needed you, Toni. I needed you, and you just walked away." 

"That's not true."

"Isn't it? You may have assumed it was mutual, but if you even for one second think thats what I wanted then you are crazy. The only thing I wanted was you, and you clearly didn't feel the same way."

"What are you talking about? Cher, I loved you, and, fuck, I'm scared I'll never stop loving you." Her voice began to wobble, which Cheryl had never seen before. Toni was scared to get vulnerable in front of anyone, but for someone unknown reason - Cheryl was almost impossible to lie to. 


"No, I wanted you. I want you. That night, when you went out with whoever you were out with, you came back drunk and you kept apologising to me. I took that the wrong way and I thought you must've cheated or something, I dont know. So instead of talking like normal people, I made up the excuse that we weren't right for eachother but the truth is, I think you are the only person who's right for me, and I'm just." Tears fell violently as she collected her words. "I just want you to kiss me."

Cheryl's chin quivered as she cupped Toni's flustered cheeks. She planted a soft kiss on Toni's lips and pulled back. She was unable to open her eyes for even a second to take in what just happened before Toni had pulled her in for more. The kiss got more rough as Toni back Cheryl up against one of the closet walls. 

Their breathing became hitched and tears merged together as Cheryl's hands wandered around Toni's body. Her back. Her waist. Her ass.

Toni's hands got lost in Cheryl's hair and Cheryl's wandering hand made it's way to Toni's button up flannel. She began to undo the top button as Toni started on her neck. A loud whimper left Cheryl's mouth as Toni reached a spot she remembered was sensitive, when all of a sudden...




Toni's phone vibrated on the shelf, pulling the girls out of their trance of one another. Toni gave Cheryl a look that said nothing but "I don't want to stop this." and so they didn't.


"Guys, someone needs to go check on them. They've been gone for 23 minutes." Betty anxiously said.

"I'll go." Veronica piped up.

Veronica stepped over Kevin and headed over to the closet in the hallway. She knew they were still in there as the door was closed. Knocking on the door, Veronica waiting patiently for any sign of life in there. She didn't get one, so she knocked again. 

After failed attempts, she decided to brave it, and walk in. She carefully twisted the door nob and was greeted with something she wish she could've forgotten.

"What the fuck you guys!" She shouted, Toni untangled her hands from Cheryl's hair and removed her from the wall she had been pinned up against. 


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