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enemies to lovers type beat 

Toni sat in the class, drawing doodles on her thighs as the teacher paired students up for the project. Toni didn't really care who she'd end up with, apart from one person. 

Cheryl Blossom.

her and Cheryl hated eachother, Cheryl would bully Toni on a daily basis for no apparent reason, that wasn't the part that bothered Toni though. It was the fact that once upon a time, they were inseparable, always walking around together, arms linked and the happiest of smiles on each of their faces. Toni didn't quite understand why Cheryl had all of a sudden turned on her, she thought that her new "boyfriend" had maybe said something t her, causing her to never want to speak to her again. 

Cheryl and Reggie had been on and off for three months, Toni knew he wasn't really her boyfriend, the reasoning behind that is because Toni was the first person Cheryl came out to as a lesbian. The brunette knew she was only pretending to date him because of her parents, or in Cheryl's and the rest of the schools case, her reputation. 

The teachers eyes landed on Toni, then slowly gazed over to Cheryl who was sat at the opposite side of the classroom to her. "Perfect!" He said with a beaming smile, smashing his hands together. "Toni, you'll be with Cheryl."

Toni looked up from her thigh and stared at the wall, colour draining from her face as she felt Cheryl stare pierce through her body without even looking. Toni's mind was a whirlpool of thoughts, her and Cheryl hadn't been on good terms for two years, the thought of having to be alone with her terrified her. 


"I see your house is still as small." Cheryl said, barging her way through the door as her nose scrunched up. Toni closed the front door and followed Cheryl up the stairs. Cheryl still knew her way around Toni's house like it was her own, that made Toni smile a bit. The redhead walked into Toni's room, looking at the bookshelf opposite her bed. One thing caught her eye, which was a picture of the two on Toni's bed, taken by Jason. Cheryl rolled her eyes to hide the sadness that photo brought to her, then made her way over to Toni's desk and sat down. "Go on then, do the work."

"I need help with it, this is a group effort you know?" She shrugged, sitting on her bed.

"I know, I just don't really care." She spun the chair around to face the small laptop. She turned it on and Google came on, she laughed at what she could do with this. "Did you really google how to flirt with girls?"

"What the fuck, how do you . . . how do you know that?" Toni stuttered, jumping off her bed and over to Cheryl. Toni rested her hands on the back of the chair Cheryl was sitting in, causing Cheryl's stomach to do all sorts of flips and shit.

"You know, Antionette, there's a wonderful thing called search history." She laughed whilst Toni slammed the screen back down. 

The taller girl was now sat on the bed whilst Toni was at her desk, researching for the assignment. Cheryl picked up a tennis ball and started throwing it at the wall over and over again. 

"If you do that one more time I'll throw it out the window, and you whilst I'm at it." Toni said through gritted teeth, turning around and putting her hand on her forehead. "What are you doing?"

"Checking to see if it's worth it." Cheryl replied, looking out of the window. "Nah." 

"Can you just be quiet, or help me with the work? Your choice." Toni said, getting more stressed out by the second.

"Fine." Cheryl walked over to Toni, grinning as she saw the same stuffed animal on floor that she brought her when they were kids. She decided not to say anything though, she was enjoying the silence between them both. Toni found herself smiling at the familiar smell of Cheryl's perfume while she worked. "You've spelt that wrong," She said, grabbing the pen from her hand and correcting her mistake. 

"Why didn't you ever call?" Toni finally said, causing Cheryl to look up at her and drop the pen back down. "You promised me that it would always be me and you, what happened."

"I changed." Cheryl stopped suddenly, questioning whether she wanted to be truthful with Toni. "I wanted to get out of this stupid town, so I changed who I was. I got a new hairstyle, new clothes. I started, I started hanging out with Reggie for gods sake." She was playing the rings on her fingers without realising how vulnerable she was letting herself become. But she didn't care, when around Toni, she didn't care what she did or how she portrayed herself. 

"Are you even dating him?" 

"No, I'd destroy him."

"Are you sure that's the only reason? Toni turned in her chair to face Cheryl. "Look, I know you. I know that you only give people little pieces of yourself because you're too scared to show them the full picture. I know that you play with your rings when your fucking nervous, and I know that you haven't gave two shits about me for the past two years. You left me, alone."

"Because I loved you, stupid fuck-face." She finally looked down at Toni and their eyes locked with one another's. "I made it so blatantly obvious and you still couldn't see. Then you kissed Veronica." Toni was in complete shock. How didn't she realise the signs, how didn't she realise that Cheryl had been chasing after her whilst she was walking.

"You liked me?" 

"Yes, I did." She got up and head for the door, before feeling a heavy grip on her wrist. 

"Stay." Toni said desperately, staring into her eyes. She walked closer to her, whispering, "This is wrong." Before kissing her on the lips. They pulled back for a second, not being able to close their eyes before crashing their lips into eachother. Cheryl's hands got tangled in Toni's hair as she pushed her onto the bed.

"You're mine now, and I'll never let you go again." She whispered in heavy gasps whilst kissing Toni's chest. Cheryls hands roamed over Toni's body, in both a gentle and rough way, touching and gripping her all over.

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