all for love

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teenage choni angst soz lol x

The girls had been dating for 7 months at this point, and it wasn't until senior year when they had their first major argument. The silence had been going on for 5 minutes now, but neither of the girls wanted to give it up. They stood in Toni's small kitchen towards the left side of her trailer, refusing to look at one another. What shocked Cheryl was that Toni was the first one to break that uncomfortable moment.

Cheryl pinched the bridge of her nose with her thumb and her finger as she stared down at the floor, showing she was stressed. Standing in front of her with her arms down by her side was Toni, who was looking equally as worn out and angry. The shorter girl moved her arms and turned around so she was now facing the counters and cabinets. She placed her palms on the counter and leant forward before letting out a beaten down laugh.

"You didn't look at me or hell, even say one word to me all night." She asked, slowly and solemnly as she turned to face her girlfriend. Cheryl still wasn't looking at Toni, but she knew how much sadness her eyes would contain if she did decide to look up. Toni let out a small 'oh my god' before saying the next thing. "And you can't even look at me now."

Cheryls head slowly lifted upwards, but she wasn't looking at her girlfriend. Instead, she walked past the small island and made her way over to the couch where she sat down.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Toni laughed, walking over to the couch where Cheryl was sat cross legged. "Just say something, please, anything!" Toni looked down at the redhead, who was now looking back at her.

Not once had Toni seen such hollowness in the eyes she could get lost in every time they even faced in the same direction as her.

"I'm sorry." The redhead let out. For the record, it was meaningful and she meant it, but Toni was after more. A simple and short, 'I'm sorry' wasn't going to cut it this time.

"Right. I get that you're 'Cheryl bombshell' and you have a reputation to maintain, but please just listen to me. Please just love me."

Cheryl stared into her eyes then. How could Toni be so stupid? How could she be so transparent? Of course Cheryl loved her, she just couldn't show it. A solitary tear dropped from Cheryl's left eye, Toni watched as it rolled down from her cheek and into her lap. The redhead got up and started pacing around the trailer. Toni stared at her as she scratched her face. "You didn't mean it when you told me you loved me. I don't think you're capable of even trying to love me." She said, with her voice breaking.

Cheryl slowed down her steps and walked over to Toni, who was glancing at the floor now. How could it be that they were standing less than 30 centimetres from one another, yet they had never been more for far apart?

"Toni." Cheryl cupped Toni's cheeks and made her look in her eyes. She had been crying. "I'm sorry I screwed up so badly, I should've just spoke to you and sorted it out, and for that, I'm truly sorry. But I have never lied to you. I don't know a lot of things, but I know that I love you, and you are the only person in my life who-"

Toni's lips slammed into Cheryl's as her hands got tangled in her hair. Toni backed Cheryl up against the trailer door, making a loud bang that she was sure Fangs could here from the other trailer next to her. But she didn't care. She didn't fucking care anymore. Cheryl's legs wrapped around Toni's waist as they didn't even break the kiss for air. Cheryls lips tried to keep up with Toni's as she took control of her mouth and obliterated any thoughts Cheryl was having in that moment.

"I need you to stay." Toni moaned against Cheryl's lips as she wrapped her hands around her girlfriends thighs and carried her to her bedroom. Toni lay Cheryl on the bed as she began climbing on top of her as Cheryl unbuttoned her flannel for her. Their lips didn't leave one another's until Cheryl was running low on air.

Toni backed off Cheryl and unbuttoned her pants as Cheryl watched her. Toni threw her jeans to the other side of the room and climbed on top of her girlfriend once again. "Sometimes I think you were made for me." Said Cheryl through breathless moans.


Cheryl turned on her side to face Toni as she rested her face on her palm. In the early hours of a Tuesday morning, Toni's face lit up more than it ever had before. Although the two were in complete silence, it wasn't awkward one bit. Toni raised her hand slightly to move a piece of hair out of Cheryl's face and she whispered,

"I missed seeing your morning face." Toni's voice was soft as she took her hand back. Cheryl closed her eyes as they began filling up with tears. She had never believed that she was fit to love a person, but now she had a new life. She has someone to care for, and someone to care for her. She was so sure that she was going to marry this girl.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you." Cheryl said, defeated.

"I'm sorry for overreacting. Can we restart? Forget last night ever happened?"

"If that's what you want, then of course, my love." Cheryl planted a small, affectionate kiss on Toni's lips and got out of bed. She found a pair of nike shorts and one of Toni's t-shirts on the floor and slipped them over her body. "Pancakes?"

Toni nodded and Cheryl walked out the room. As Cheryl left, Toni couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if she didn't kiss Cheryl last night. Would they have been over? Would Cheryl have walked out that front door and never come back.

Toni shook the thoughts from her mind and focused on what she still had.

She had Cheryl. She was happy.

A woman could fly Toni to Saturn, and she still wouldn't be satisfied unless Cheryl was stood there by her side.

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