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"Thank you for this favour, it means a lot to me and Jughead." Veronica said with a friendly smile as she stood in the door frame of the Pembrook. 

"Don't thank us, we love little Atlas!" Cheryl replied, tapping Veronica and Jughead's son on the nose, causing him to giggle and scrunch up his face. Toni's heart smiled at Cheryls signs of love and affection to a kid that she had always looked out for. Toni was so proud of how far her wife had come, from a bitchy teenager to a grown, loveable woman. There wasn't anyone else she wanted to spend the rest of her days with. "Do you know roughly what time you're coming back?"

"Anytime after 4, we should be back by then." Jughead answered with a cheery grin, looking over to his wife to confirm his answer. The raven haired girl nodded, and kissed her son goodbye. Jughead took his son into his arms and swung him up the air as Veronica looked for the car keys in her bag. "I'll see you later, Buddy."

The two girls watched as the newly wed couple walked out to their car, waving them goodbye as they left. Cheryl and Toni loved Atlas a lot, despite the little amount of times they spent together. They had been debating about taking the next step towards a child for months now, so having a little baby they were responsible for really comforted them, even if it wasn't theirs.

When the door closed and Toni walked into the kitchen to put her bags down, Cheryl sighed happily and stared down at the 9 months old in her arms. 

"Hi." She spoke bluntly to the brown eyed baby, "The genes are pretty strong in that family, huh." 

Atlas's eyes squinted back at her as he grew a faint smile, alerting Cheryl that it was nap time. Surprisingly enough, this wasn't their first time with children. Back in high school, the girls looked after Cheryl's niece and nephew for a few years, so they did have some experience.

As Cheryl swayed around the living room with baby in hand, she walked slowly, observing all the family photos on the wall. 

"That was when your mom and dad first got together. Why do I still remember that?" She whispered to herself, not noticing that Toni was admiring how gentle she was being.

Her eyes landed on a picture from graduation. A tainted smile spread across her face as she remembered how much fun high school was, but then faltered when she thought of what type of person she used to be. "That's me and Toni." She grinned, now gaining Toni's full attention, "Isn't she pretty." Cheryl finished, pointing the pink haired teenager in the photo. Toni giggled softly and jumped off the kitchen counter. Atlas laughed and gripped onto Cheryls finger before yawing. 

"Are you tired, baby?" Cheryl strolled over to the crib hat was located in Veronica and Jugheads bedroom, carefully laying him down. "Sleep tight." She said, placing a teddy bear in his arms. Upon turning around, her eyes fixed on Toni who was watching her from the doorway. 

"You'd make the best mom in the world, you know that." She said in awe, admiring her wife's features. 

"I would be pretty cool, wouldn't I?" 


The girls found themselves in the kitchen later that day, Toni attempting to feed baby food to a messy 9 month old while Cheryl made dinner. "God, how does Cheryl make this look so easy." She whispered to the baby as if it would answer her back. She reached for the spoon that Atlas had just threw on the floor and when she came back up, she was met with Cheryl who was plating up dinner on the table. "How the fuck ha-"

"Language around the baby, Toni." Cheryl interrupted, taking the baby from Toni's arms. 

"Sorry. I meant how have you done that so quickly." Toni apologised.

"Practice, my love." She whispered, placing Atlas in his highchair. Toni was confused how Cheryl made everything looked so effortless. That was one of the many things Toni admired about her.


Cheryl sighed and closed her eyes, looking at the time on her phone display as she held the distressed 9 month old in her arms. Toni comforted her wife by placing her hand on top of hers to reduce the shaking. 

"Hey, it;s going to be okay. I know you miss mommy and daddy, but we're trying our best." It had been the first time they'd been over schedule, but there was no reason for Cheryl to complain. She'd much rather sit here and be entertained by the baby and her wife all day than binge shows on Netflix.

Atlas hadn't stopped crying for the past half hour, causing Cheryl to become overwhelmed. Although it wasn't the first time Cheryl had been dealing with a crying baby, it was the first time where she didn't exactly know what to do, and that scared her. Toni carefully took the baby from Cheryl and walked over to the kitchen.

"Here, let's make you a bottle. I know mommy said you love that." Toni spoke softly, watching over at Cheryl who was shaking her leg up and down. Holding the baby in one arm as she tried to reach for the bottle was the hardest thing Toni had ever done, but she tried to do everything she could reduce the amount of stuff Cheryl had to do to help this baby. "I got this... I got this," 

Within the cries, the girls heard the front door open and both of them let out a sigh of relief. Toni took the time to finish off pouring the formula into the bottle and shaking it well all with one hand before placing it into Atlas's mouth, his cries finally silencing. 

"Thank fuck." She let out a sigh of relief before walking over to the sofa with baby in hand as Cheryl spoke to Veronica and Jughead.

"He's been great! We love looking after him." Cheryl said with a smile, picking up Atlas from Toni who was fake crying on the couch. Veronica laughed at Toni, 

"Are you sure Toni would say the same thing?" She said, making everyone laugh as Toni slowly got up. 


When stumbling back into Thornhill, Toni just collapsed on the couch as they sighed. 

"Babe, I've made a decision." Cheryl said, placing her coat over the chair. Toni mumbled something as Cheryl sat next to her. "I want a baby."

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