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fluff <3

"So, when did that happen?" Jason asked, who was sitting on his sisters bed, looking at her stuff.

"When did what happen?" She retorted, fixing her makeup in her mirror.

"You know, that moment when you fell in love with her." He said with a smile, as if he wasn't being annoying enough.

"Jason!" She yelled at him, turning her head to face the boy.

 "Come on, I've seen the way you look at her and the way you talk about her to other people." Jason sighed. Cheryl had always been open to her brother, and he had always supported her. He knew everything about her considering how close the two were. Jason would never judge Cheryl, and she was eternally grateful due to the lack of support she had from their parents.

"We're just friends, okay?" She interrupted him, she had never been the best liar, and Jason knew when she tried to, she would play with her hands and avoid eye contact, which is exactly what she was doing in that moment. Jason looked at her with a look that said 'tell me, i know you're lying' Cheryl rolled her eyes and walked over to him, sitting down beside her brother.

"Honestly, I'm not sure," She started, gaining her brothers full attention. "I think apart of me has been in love with her for five years, I've just been too scared to admit it. I really can't lose her, Jason." She continued, tears filling up her beautiful brown eyes.

"Listen Cher, I've known Toni since we were 10, you would bring her round the house and sing songs at the top of your lungs whilst jumping on your bed, forcing me to listen to you two. I know what she's like, how she acts around you and how much she appreciates you. I know we literally have the worst parents in the world, but you can't be afraid to love someone because of them," He paused for a second, pulling his sister into a warm hug, letting her sob into his shoulder before carrying on. "Screw mom and dad, don't let them ever fucking tell you who you can and can't love, they're assholes." Cheryl let out a laugh, which made Jason smile. "Go get Toni, okay? Bring her round here, I'll get everything set up. You're asking her to be your girlfriend."

And with that, they pulled away from the cuddle and Jason picked out Cheryl an outfit. Cheryl loved Jason, with every part of her soul, and she was so thankful for having someone like him by her side. She looked at him one more time before running out the door, a beaming smile on her face and she ran out the porch, got in her car, and drove to Toni's trailer. 

"Hi, Miss Topaz, I don't suppose Toni's in?" She said, as Toni's mom opened the door.

"Yeah, she's upstairs, go ahead." Miss Topaz said with a smile, moving out the way Cheryl to run up to her bedroom. Toni was asleep on her side when Cheryl came rushing in the room. Cheryl stopped in her tracks, slowly closing the door, trying to make as little noise as possible. She walked over to Toni as she picked up a stuffed animal off the floor and hit her with it.

"Wake up!" She screamed down her ear as she jumped on the bed.

"What the fuck!" She shouted back, making them both burst out into laughter.

"You're coming with me. Get your ass dressed and meet me in the car." Toni followed Cheryl orders and got herself dressed, the smile never came off her face. Cheryl raced down to her car and turned on their song. She waited only a matter of minutes before Toni came running out of the door, laughing. She jumped in cheryl's car as she hit her, jokingly. Toni turned up the music as they both started singing every song at the top of their lungs, lie they did as kids. They arrived at Thornhill, got out the car, and ran up to Cheryl's bedroom. Cheryl's phone pinged as a message from Jason appeared on her screen.

don't chicken out now

Cheryl put her phone away in her back pocket as she gestured for Toni to come on the balcony with her as it was almost time for sunset.

The sun was starting to set on the horizon, painting the sky with faded colours of blue and orange. Toni took a photo of this, causing Cheryl to giggle at the fact that she brought that stupid thing with her. She decided not to bring it up though, as she knew how much she adored that camera. Cheryl's heart beat faster when she saw Toni smiling at her, Toni had wore the outfit Cheryl had brought her for her 15th birthday. She always pulled off that leather jacket and those black skinny jeans with ease. Leather boots and her perfect pink hair, and- 

"Hey, look at the sun over there!" Toni giggled, a slight sparkle in her eye, interrupting Cheryl of her non platonic thoughts.

"Yeah," She replied, almost shyly, which wasn't like her at all. The realisation that she was more than likely going to tell Toni that she was in love with her, finally had hit her, causing her to fidget with the blanket they lay on. 

Toni didn't let that go unnoticed. "Cheryl, you okay?" She shifted her gaze over to the redhead, and looked at her with those soft, brown eyes. Oh god her eyes, if Cheryl had any ounce of writing ability, she would have wrote a thousand poems based on them by now.

Cheryl's breath started to become more rapid at the thought of not even knowing how to start the conversation.

Toni took into accountability to take Cheryls fidgety hands and place them within her own, causing Cheryl to settle down a bit. "Cheryl, what's wrong?"

"You're the second person in my life who finally see's who I am," She began, feeling safe in the grasp of Toni.

"Damn, the second?" She replied, raising her free hand up to her heart in a sense of sarcasm and love, making Cheryl smile.

"I mean, my parents are total dicks and well, I'm not really 'friends' with anyone else but you and Jason. And when Heather was totally cut out of my life, I just," Cheryl's breathing intensified once more. Whenever Cheryl talked about Heather, Toni felt this overwhelming sense of jealousy swarm over her body, it felt as if her heart was ripped in two. "I became more controlling over people I cared about, and felt as if I had to put on an act to be respected. I liked the fear people had when they walked past me, but I also wanted friends, people I could rely on. Everyone expects something from me, and I can't always do what other people want."

"Hey, remember what I told you the night we went to see Love, Simon," Cheryl nodded and squeezed Toni's hand tightly, "I told you that you were sensational and that you deserved the world." Cheryl let out a soft smile as she let the words sink in deep. They turned their focus to the sunset, not letting go of one another. "You know, you haven't really told me why you wanted me to come round her in the first place," Toni stuttered, debating whether to break the bubble they were in.

Cheryl huffed, knowing her parents would disapprove greatly of what she was about to do.

now or never

She lifted her head from Toni's shoulder, unlinking both their hands. And when Cheryl finally plucked up the courage to look at the shorter girl, was only when she realised the worried expression on her face, filled with concern. Cheryl had seen a lot of frowns in her lifetime, the majority off her mother when she disliked something Cheryl had either said or done. Another was off Jason when Cheryl beat him in his favourite game. But this one was different, it was filled with such care and genuine love, it made Cheryl shiver. Cheryl let out a breath, gaining the composure.

"I need to tell you something." She stuttered out, shortly after releasing an odd laugh after. Toni let out one of her smiles. That smile did it for Cheryl, she let all the reasons holding her back and whispered "fuck it" under her breath. 

"I like you." She rushed out.. At first, Cheryl thought she had really screwed everything up due to the sudden silence lingering through the air, until Toni's hands flew up in the air and cupped the girls face, pulling her in close. Toni felt Cheryl's hands on her waist, pulling her even closer, before smiling into a kiss. 

They pulled back from each other to catch their breath, both of their cheeks red from the sign of affection. "I like you too." Toni said clearly, Cheryl tangled her fingers into Toni's pink hair, pulling her in once more for a much more hungrier kiss.

The door suddenly burst open, Jason running into Cheryls room, causing the girls to back away from each other. Jason started jumping up and down whilst cheering and screaming

"Yes, yes, yes! It's finally happened!" He shouted as the girls laughed at each other before Jason said the next thing, "So, talk me through everything. Do NOT spare any details!" He said happily whilst rushing over to sit next to them.

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