twenty four

101 9 16

so have you ever run away from your own place because the person you like is sleeping there? if you did then we're the same. 

if you ask, i am currently buying some ramen in the convenience store near my place.

"i wonder if he still sleeping...", i mutters, grabbing another ramen packet, before paying for it.

"noooo seungri you are not going to check him", i mutters, as i step out from the convenience store.

"remember not to go back, let's go to hyun ji place", i says to myself.

i walk down the path to hyun ji place, i have made up my mind that i will end things with ji and my boss today. 

the longer the path i took, the more ridiculous things come out from my mouth.

"i lee seungri will end things with them, no hard feelings", i mutters.

and when i reach the end of the road, i look up and mutters, "this must be my hallucinations, why does jiyong standing half-naked in front of hyun ji place while staring at me".

"i must be in love with him", i shake my head, closing my eyes.

"there must be something wrong with my eyes and brain", i mutters, as i open my eyes again, and he's still there, waiting for me.

"am i really in love with him?", i mutters, "shit seun---------", "SEUNGRI!", a voice cut me off.

"wait what so now i can hear he's calling me", i says, rubbing my eyes------

"what are you doing outside?", a voice asks, but this time it feels so close.

i open my eyes and gasps.

"BOSS?", i says.

"good morning", he smiles, while scratching his head.

"why are you here? no, i mean why are you in hyun ji place? NOO ANSWER ME FIRST WHY ARE YOU HALF NAKED", i says, shit does he not know that he looks so sexy and yummy?

"huh? what do you mean? this is your place", he asks, i look at him and slap my head.

"fuck it i knew it my heart manipulate my whole body damn heart", i curse, he looks at me and smiles.

"Why don't you wake me up? we can go to the store together", he says and pouts.

just kill me. how can i UGH fuck it. i like him so what. damn, it im so in love with him.

"d-----d----do you want to go inside first?", i says, "people starting to drool over your body", i says pushing him inside, making sure no one able to get him.

"listen here boss", i says.

"yes, baby?"

"i am not your baby", i says and he sulks.

damn it. he's too cute, at this rate i might eat him because he's too cute.

"okay since i have come this far, let's end these things", i says, he look and me and tilt his head to one side.

"end what things?", he says. 

okay wow what a tricky questions, i can't just simply say that i want to end our sex buddy relationship together. 

"this things", i says, i can feel that my face burning.

"huh what things?", he asks.

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