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i can't believe what just happened.


"do you love my son?", she asks.

"mom...", he says.

"you two look cute together", she says and smiles.

i honestly feel so awkward but happy at the same time.

"i----i----i--don't---know", i says, she looks at me and nods as if she knows the truth.

and after lunch, madam kwon asks his son to fetch me home. actually, if she didn't ask, i bet he's 100% ready to fetch me home. because looking at that puppy eyes im sure he wants some ramen. and of course, i will use this opportunity to ask him about last night.

*end of flashback*

man, i thought asking him about last night would be easy, but here i am rotting on the car seat while jamming to the song. it's like a cat bites my tongue and i can't pick up the right sentence to ask him.

"seungri..?", he calls.

i look at him and says, "huh?"

"did something bother you?", he asks, and im dying wanting to ask him if there's something happen last night, yet again i pick to look at him dumbly.

"", i asks.

he looks at me and stops the car at the nearby convenience store. actually, this is the convenience store that 10 minutes away from my place, we're so close to my place and i haven't asked him about last night.

he stares at me and says nothing. i hate this kind of pressure, it's forcing me to say everything. 

"what?", i asks, trying to avoid his eye contact, he grabs my hands and says, "you can tell me everything".

how can he is so clueless about this? dumbass, i hate that im a fool for him.

"d---d--did--something---happen--last--night?", i finally says, he looks at me and blinks.

"wh---what---i--just--want--to--know", i stutter, making him laugh and pinch my cheek.

"what do you think?", he smirks, shit i hate him.

"wh--what", i asks.

"you seem to enjoy it", he says, i look at him and blink.

"did we do it?", i asks, and he smiles. 

"do what?", he asks, damn he's teasing me.

"d---do---that", i blush, he smirks and pinch my cheek. 

"we enjoy last night", he smirks, i look at him and burst out tears.

i know this is not my first time, but this is honestly my first time with someone who's not my partner, and im so fucking ashamed of myself. ji must really feel disappointed with me. im a complete dumb.

he looks at me and my says, "why are you crying?".

"---i---i--im---scared", i sobs, he used his thumb to wipe the tears from my cheek.

"what are you scared of", he asks.

"---what---if---i---get--baby", i blurts. i have no idea what's coming out from my mouth.

"did you not like it?", he asks, i look at him and shake my head.

he caresses my hair and pulls me into a hug, "im teasing you, nothing happens last night", he says.

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