twenty two

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"what did you said?"

"i...sleep with..some..bas..tard".

"what can't hear you", hyun ji said, "stop shoving your face at the pillow", he sighs, "at some point, you may end up making a hole on it", hyun ji adds and sighs.

"my life is ruined..and all you care about is this damn pillow", i says.

"well you said that he will take responsibility for his actions", he says, arranging the table for breakfast, "what's the big deal?", he exhale.

"he is not an ordinary bastard, you don't understand it", i says.

"a rich bastard?", he asks and looks at me, "if so, date him", he smirks.

"no way", i cursed, "he ruined my life..", i adds.

"hyung, you said that he sleeps with you and want to take responsibility for his actions, stop saying he's ruining your life", he pauses, "just date him, it's not like he's a bad guy right?", he says.

"no he's good", i says.

"then what's the big deal?", he pauses, "anyway come eat something before you go to work", he says.

"no way i am going that bastard..", i gasps, "anyway let me stay at your place for a while", i say and grab the meat. 

"you didn't finish your word", hyun ji says while munching on foods.

"no i just don't want to go to work", i says, "my back sore", i adds. 

i can't tell him that i sleep with my boss.

"hyung, you can stay for a while", he pauses, "but you're an adult now, stop running away from your problem and face it", he says.

"hyun..ji..", i pauses, "you always running away from problems that bad habits of yours never fade hyung", he cuts my words.

"what did you say?", i asks.

"that bastard is someone from your workplace right?", he inhales.

" did you know", i gasps.

"your face says it all", he says, "anyway if he's from your workplace, then that makes things easier, go to him and solve it like an adult", he says.

"hyun ji...i will do that if he's an ordinary employee like me, but he's my boss", i says.

"what did you say?", he asks, "you heard me", i says, he looks at me, confused and said, "oh no".

"wait but didn't that make things easier, he's rich and good", he says.

"yes you're right he's rich and good, but i am a bad guy, how could someone like me be with him?", i says.

"what..what's wrong with you, you're flawless and a famous singer", he says.

"hyun ji..", i inhale, "i have a boyfriend", i exhale.

"oh so that's the probl---WAIT WHAT", he asks.

"i am dating someone, i told you the other day... he's someone i know online", i says.

he looks at me disbelieve, "but hyung you only said that he's an acquaintance".

"yes but recently we decided to start dating, although i never meet him in real life yet i like him", i says.

"unbelievable", he gasps.

"that is why i don't want to meet that moron", i says.

"you're truly unbelievable hyung", he says and laughs.

"i am thinking about going serious with my boyfriend, but then here i am getting my ass destroy by some moron", i says.

"you sound like a badass", he laughs.

"stop laughing at me asshole", i says.

"so what are you going to do now hyung, you get your hands full with 2 guys", he says.

"i don't know..", i sigh, "maybe i should quit my job and only focus on singing and my boyfriend", i says.

he looks at me and said, "you need to think this carefully".

"yes i will", i smiles at him, he sighs and says, "hyung you are unbelievable".

"i know, but first let me stay at your place for today i am not going to work today", i says.

"yes you can", he says, "i am going out for a while, make yourself at home just don't burn the whole building", he says and laugh.

we settle down the breakfast and dishes before he leaves me alone.

hyun ji's place is 30 minutes from my place. we live in the same street but his neighbour is more lively than mine. i don't say that my neighbour is bad, they're just more comfortable staying in their place than doing some outside activities. 

i can't believe that problems keep coming to me right after i meet my boss, it as if he's a wicked object that keeps attracting trouble to his surroundings, and by that means me.

ugh, i hate him.

i feel drowsy after a while, damn eyes.

"why do his clothes smell so good", i says and sniff his clothes.

"does he always smell this good?", i mutters.

"what is wrong with my heart..", i mutters.

"is it some disease, am i going to die?"

"is this how it's going to end?"

"oh right...i lik----", i blurts, and fell asleep.

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