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and again it's monday, the most hectic day. it's because first we have this every-monday-morning-meeting and next we have this don't-give-me-that-face which i get from that asshole every single day. 

yet again, i love my job.

"morning claira", i greet, she smiles and takes a sip at her coffee.

"the boss is looking for you just now", she says.

"what.. but i just arrived", i groan, she laughs and hit me on the back.

"asshole", i says to her.

*knock knock*

"come in", the voice says, i open the door and gasps.

"boss what the fuck is this", i asks.

"for you", he says, handing out a box to me.

"but...", i pauses, taking the box from him and open it, "did you make this?"

"y-yes..", he blushed, "do you like it?", he pauses.

"that's a lot of effort", i says.

to be honest, i might catch feelings for him, he's such romanticism and making this kind of cake really takes a lot of effort. and i appreciates it.

"heard that you love strawberry...", he says and smiles.

okay shit, this is weird but why does he look so attractive.

"oh..", i pauses, "there's a specific reason for it", i says, because strawberry reminds me of him.

"what's the reason?", he asks, i pauses and says, "because to me that person is as sweet as a strawberry".

"w-what", he says choking on his water, i look at him and realised that his cheeks turning red.

"boss you okay?", i asks, why the fuck do he looks so red, is it because he's sick?

"y-yes", he says.

"by the way boss..", i pauses, "something good happen today?"

"what?", he asks, i look at him and point at the cake, he nods and says, "yes.."

"it is actually to celebrate my one-week relationship", he blushes.

"what a coincidence", i blurts, he looks at me and smiles, and when our eyes meet he looks away. what is wrong with him?

"i don't know you have a lover", i says taking another bite on the cake.

"w-what", he asks choking on his drink, "i---i did", he says.

okay, how many times does he wants to choke on his drink? but who knows that asshole like him have a lover, whoever his lover is, i bet that person is blind because he's clearly an asshole minus the romantic part.

"how does that person look like?", i asks, i feel like im invading someone's privacy, but i don't care because i like tea.

"he is cute...", he smiles, he looks at me and continues, "and every time i look at him, i drown in his eyes".

okay, shit is getting interested and awkward.

"i---i---finish the cake", i says, avoiding his eyes.

he smiles and says, "thank you for existing".

"huh?", i ask, but he says nothing and smiles.

my dumbass starting to think that he treats me and says something good because he's going to fire me.

fuck i shouldn't be thinking about this bullshit but what if it's real? am i going to lose my job? or worst where will i get money after this? 

shit, i need to meet ji and get him to marry me.

that's not the real deal, the real deal is why do i feel a bit bitter after knowing that he has a lover. fuck, what is wrong with me.

i need to stop thinking about it, it's bad for the brain development.

seungri: babe?

seungri: i miss you

seungri: but wanna know something?

seungri: my asshole boss has a lover

seungri: guess that you're busy

seungri: i love you

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