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Seungri: hey you up?

Seungri: i got another hot tea to spill

unknown: you must really like tea 

unknown: but im all in

Seungri: remember the boss?

unknown: you mentioned him every day of course i did

Seungri: so it was payday today

unknown: yes 

Seungri: guess who take us for lunch

Seungri: the asshole boss

Seungri: i don't know what is going on inside his head

unknown: you hate him that much?

Seungri: no i don't

Seungri: i really am thankful for the lunch 

unknown: you like it?

Seungri: YES 

Seungri: luckily it wasn't a fancy restaurant or else it'll be super awkward

unknown: im glad you like 

Seungri: and you know what 

Seungri: we spend 2 hours talking about his favourite Disney princess

Seungri: but don't worry he already went home... 

unknown: so have you consider liking him?

Seungri: um he should try harder

Seungri: i like it rough

unknown: HAHA

Seungri: but i consider on liking you

unknown: oops

Seungri: really like you

unknown: im afraid

unknown: you will be disappointed if we meet in real life

Seungri: why

Seungri: it's not like you're my boss

unknown: haha

Seungri: what

Seungri: oh no, you're him?

Seungri: pfttt that impossible

Seungri: you are you

Seungri: if so...

Seungri: can you tell me your name

Seungri: at least i know what to call you

unknown: um

unknown: you can call me ji

Seungri: ji? let me guess

Seungri: is it ji hoon? ji hwan? ji yeon?

unknown: not telling you

Seungri: pftt

Seungri: nevermind, at least i know your name is ji

Seungri: im going to work now talk to you later, ji

unknown: at the bar?

Seungri: yes 

unknown: can you not go?

Seungri: why

unknown: it's late

Seungri: you worried about me?

Seungri: don't worry i won't drink

unknown: be safe

Seungri: you know what i hope you will come again tonight

Seungri: or at least buy me drink

unknown: oh...

what a funny name, ji. what could it be, ji hoon? ji hwan? ji yeon? ji yeol? 

oh ji, if only you know how much i really want to meet you in real life. 


Keshi - bandaids

and when the song ends, hyun ji comes to me with a drink in his hands.

"for you", he says, i stare at him and says, "did he come today?"

"what who comes?", he asks, "who bought this drink?", i asks. 

"oh...", he pauses, "minhyuk bought this for us", he says.

"minhyuk who's that?", i asks, taking a sip, "my boyfriend", he says blushingly.

"oh...", i says, actually i feel kind of disappointed that he didn't come tonight.

"hyung are you okay?", he asks, "yes i am come let's meet the master", i says.

"master...", i calls.

"oh seungri, hyun ji", he says, "come join me...", he scoots over to make space for us. 

hyun ji and master are busy talking about the upcoming valentine's day, how they going to celebrate it with their lover. i used to be excited about valentine's day too, how i excitedly talk about going somewhere with jae wook and spend the day with him. but right now, here i am sitting in the bar, hoping that the stranger texts me. 

Seungri: you didn't come...

Seungri: i really want you to come...

unknown: you did?

unknown: im sorry

unknown: something comeup

unknown: what can i do to fix this?

Seungri: oh

Seungri: how about facetime?

unknown: what

Seungri: pftt i know you won't like it

unknown: can i call you

Seungri: wait what?

incoming call mr.trulove


"hey...?", he says, to be honest, i think he kinda sounds familiar. or was it all my imagination?

"oh hi", i says, i can feel that my face is burning.

"im sorry..", he says, "i couldn't come..", he adds.

shit, he is so cute.

"don't worry about it", i says.

"are you drunk?", he asks, "want me to get you a taxi?", he adds.

"oh.. not don't worry about me", i says, if only he knows that i want him to take me home.

"are you okay....?", he pauses, "you still mad at me?", he asks.

"what..no", i says, man how could i be mad at him, he's a cutie.

"so hey..", i pauses, "they are talking about the upcoming valentine's day", i says.

"...can you buy me a rose?", i asks.

he pauses before saying, "sure", and i smiles.

oh, i really have fallen in love with him.

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