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"When you wish upon a star, it makes no difference who you are. Anything your heart desires will come to you if your heart is in your dream. No request is too extreme when you wish upon a star as dreamers do."

In this world, there is no such thing as a coincidence. The belief that good experiences come to those who surround themselves with positivity is a matter of truth, and the belief that those who continuously shroud themselves in negativity receive unfavorable experiences is also a given truth.

We need that drive to motivate ourselves to start working towards our aspirations. Without it, there would be nothing to inspire and persuade us to be able to put these desires into action; when there is no action, there is no resolution. When there is no resolution, we lose our chances of obtaining our desires.

Many of those who dream believe in the idea that if you wish, and hope, and pray hard enough, your fantasies will come true.

It may seem childish to make a wish upon a shooting star, to blow away at your candles on your birthday cake, or to huff away at the delicate puffs off of a seeding dandelion with a wish in your head, but it shows an interest and dedication for your true desires. They prompt you to truly act on your intentions.

Call it a superstition, but many believe that fate and magic play an important role in the way our lives are mapped out. These elements conjure up the path we take regarding our relationships, our ambition, and our conscience. With this in mind, let's take a peek into the life of a lonely CEO who is in search of something he has found missing for the past couple of years in his life.

"Daddy! Daddy! Read to me," Daw demanded, climbing onto the bed and shoving a book in her father's face.

He couldn't help but smile and nod.

"Lay down," he said and she immediately got under the covers. After his daughter was settled comfortably in the bed, he tucked the sheets up to Daw's chin. When Daw was comfortable, he took a seat on the edge of the bed and picked up the book. He remembered his mother reading this very book to him before bed every night. And now he reads it to his daughter every night. No matter how busy he was with work, he always makes sure that he tucks his little girl in bed every night.

"Ok, Daw. Ready?" he asked his 6-year old daughter, who was yawning already.

"I'm ready, Daddy," Daw replied, voice already thick with sleep and he began to read from the book.

"Wish for something. There is that shooting star." He opened his eyes in time to saw burning stars, shooting into the atmosphere, one after the other; like beautiful fire-crackers. His little fingers trembled, as he clutched them together for strength. He closed his eyes again, as he wished with all his heart."

He stopped to show Daw the picture of the shooting star only to realize she was fast asleep. Quietly, he put the book away and turned to his little girl, and kissed her on her forehead.

"Good night my little star," He whispered before straightening up and walking out. He closed the door slowly and made sure she didn't wake up.

He slowly walked to his room and removed his tie with a sigh. He opened the doors to his patio before walking out and leaned on the rail slightly and stared at the beautiful, starry black sky.

"Son, are you all right?"

He turned around, offering his mother a tiny smile.

"I'm fine, Mae" he replied softly. "Just thinking."

His mother, Alice smiled back, stepping fully into the room. "You seem down. What's on your mind?"

"I've been waiting so long..." he said mournfully. "I wonder if I missed my chance..." His mother knew exactly what her son was talking about.

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