Chapter 7

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When it was just barely seven in the morning, Phupha woke up due to the light nudges against his arm. He knew it was his daughter and slowly cracked one eye open. He really wished to sleep in today. After a hectic week and a few shots of alcohol the previous night, he really needed the sleep.

"Daddy!" His daughter whispered as he hummed, blinking to rub the sleep off. "Wake up!"

"Baby, it's not even eight, yet." He croaked as he shifted himself against the comfortable bed. "Why are you awake so early?"

"Because it's Saturday! And we always make breakfast together because you're at home!" Phupha groaned internally. Although he loved cooking breakfast with his little girl, he was tired. But he didn't want to disappoint her. The whole week, he was busy and couldn't spend time with her. He had to make it up.

"Okay..." Phupha said as he sat up in bed.

Dressed only in his pajama pants, he followed his daughter out of their room as he sleepily rubbed his eyes, trying to keep up with his star.

Once they were downstairs, Daw made a quick turn into the kitchen as he followed through, flicking the lights on along the way. He squinted and blinked to adjust to the brightness as he noticed his daughter was standing on top of her stool which they bought for her short self.

"Daddy will be right back," he said as he walked towards the bathroom and freshened up. When he came back he saw Daw, sitting on the counter and dangling her legs. He smiled and grabbed the aprons. He put the little apron on Daw; tied it for her and later wore the bigger one.

"So, star, what do you want to make today?" asked Phupha as he leaned against the counter looking at her.

"Eggs! And maybe pancakes! Wait, no—waffles!" Daw said as she started to hop up and down, her large brown orbs twinkling with excitement as Phupha bent down to scoop her up in his arms.

"You sure do get your appetite from me, don't you?" He chuckled as Daw tilted her head to the side in a confused manner.

"What's ap—pet tite?" She tried saying making him laugh softly and kiss her cheek.

"Don't worry about it. Now, let's crack some eggs!"


Both of them teamed up to gather all the necessary ingredients: eggs, frozen waffles, maple syrup, whipped cream, strawberries.

"Alright, ready star? Here comes the tricky part" said Phupha as he placed the waffles in the toaster and took out special wooden tongs for Daw to use to get the waffles out of the toaster. He didn't want his princess burning her fingers. He then scrambled some eggs while Daw kept watch over the waffles. He then placed the syrup on the waffles so they could stick when they were stacked on each other.

"Wow! Something smells so good in here," Alice said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Me and Daddy made breakfast together today and we can all eat together!" said Daw proudly.

"Good morning Mae" Earth kissed his mother's cheek as she walked closer to him and Daw. Daw also leaned in to kiss her grandmother.

"Good morning, my darlings." She said as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"And finally, my little star, would you like to do the final steps?" asked Phupha.

"Yeah!" said Daw. Daw was already holding a whipped cream can and she sprayed the whipped cream on the waffles the same way she had seen her father spray it, she then placed the strawberries on top.

Phupha and Daw gazed in wonder at their culinary creation. "It's beautiful," said Phupha. "And I helped!" said Daw said.

"You sure did, great job, sweetie." Alice placed her kiss on her head.

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