Chapter 1

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Phupha cracked open an eye to see his daughter staring expectantly at him.


Daw clambered up onto the bed and snuggled under his arm.

"Did grandma wake up already?"

Phupha blinked blearily and yawned while he smacked his mouth open and shut a few times.

Daw giggled, "Your breath smells bad."

Phupha chuckled a quiet rumbly sound.

"Good morning to you too, little star," he growled playfully, his fingers skating over Daw's sides.

He grinned as she squealed with laughter, wiggling to get away from his tickles.

He soon got up and picked Daw up and set her down. He crouched down to her height and she looked at him. Both staring into each other's eyes before Phupha spoke up.

"Remember the rules?" Daw nodded.

"Okay. On three." He started.

"One, two, three!" Phupha ran towards his bathroom while Daw ran back to her room to get ready. This was a small game the father-daughter duo made up to get ready and freshen up every morning.

By the time he finished his bath and brushed his teeth and dressed, twenty minutes passed. He walked out of his bedroom and stepped into Daw's. He saw her tugging the strap of her denim dungarees over her shoulder. She was wearing a floral T-shirt with three-fourth black denim dungarees.

"Daddy wins again." He teased her and Daw pouted.

"No fair!" She said with the same pout which made Phupha chuckle. She knew how to make him smile.

"Okay. Okay. Let's see if you can win against me tomorrow," he winked and her face brightened up.

"I will win it this time," she said with a giggle. Phupha shook his head with a smile as he hooked his hands under his daughter's armpits, and swung her up and over and onto his shoulders.

Daw giggled again, weaving her little fingers into Phupha's hair. Phupha knew he had to style his hair again before he left.

"Let's go see what grandma prepared for breakfast?"

"What do you think grandma made for breakfast?" He asked as he bounced her on his shoulders excitedly and walked down the stairs.


"Oooo... our favorite." He said and Daw giggled.

As Phupha stepped into the dining room, he saw his mother with the maid placing the breakfast on the table. While the maid walked back to the kitchen to get some things, the two approached Alice.

"Good morning, Mae." he leaned in and kissed his mother on the cheek and Daw followed him. Alice chuckled.

"Good morning, my darlings. Since it's our little Daw's first day of school, grandma prepared breakfast," she said and Daw leaned in and hugged her.

"Thank you, Grandma," she said sweetly and Alice smiled.

Phupha slowly bent down to let his daughter off his shoulders.

"You didn't comb your hair yet?" He asked her and she shook her head. He playfully tugged on a lock of his daughter's hair, a smile working its way onto his face.

"Go grab three ties for your hair. Hurry now, I'll show you how to fix your hair so it's tied up, and doesn't get messy after you play during recess,"

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