Chapter 5

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Phupha was woken up by the annoying ringtone and he groaned loudly when he heard the very first sounds of it. He tried reaching out for it but was left empty-handed. That's when he realized he had left the phone on the desk. He tried his best to ignore it for a few seconds, throwing the warm blanket over his head to block out the horrible melody coming from the other side of the room, where his mobile is lying on the wooden desk in his adjacent home office. It didn't work and when his ears started bleeding after ten seconds, Phupha stood up from his bed wrapped in his pastel-green blanket. His steps were small and clumsy, and Phupha refused to give up on the warmth that the blanket is providing him with just yet. Even though moving would be a much easier task without him being wrapped in it from head to toe. He stopped in front of the table and glared at his mobile with hatred in his half-lidded, still sleepy eyes and bent down a little to swipe his finger across the display to answer the call from his secretary.

"Yes, Phi" he yawned.

"Sir, I know it's early but I just got a call from our 10 am appointment. The client has requested us for an earlier appointment due to an emergency. I had called Khun Vachirat and informed him about it. He is on his way." Phupha looked at the time and sighed heavily. He's so tired that he could fall asleep while standing if he wanted, but Phupha knew that it's not a possibility.

"Okay, Phi. I'll be there as soon as possible." Phupha said and hung up the call.

He was up so late the previous night trying to finish the pending works and caught only a few hours of rest. He really needed his morning caffeine as well as energy hugs from his little star. Thinking of his little Star, looks like he can't drop her at school nor pick her up today.

He dragged himself into the bathroom to shower and get ready. His mother was surprised to see her son, dressed and ready for work. Phupha had explained about the entire week's schedules and work. Before Phupha could ask, Alice spoke.

"Don't worry, son. You just focus on work. I'll drop Daw at school and pick her up in the afternoon." She said as she patted his head.

"Thanks, Mae." Though he was relieved that his mother was free to drop and pick up Daw, Phupha was a bit disappointed that he couldn't see Tian for a few days.

Before Phupha could leave, he was energized with his morning hugs from Daw. While he was eating, his mother had gone to wake her up and get her ready for school.

"Be a good girl, my little star. Daddy will see you in the evening." Daw nodded and pulled back. She placed a kiss on Phupha's cheek and he did the same.

"Now, why don't you go get ready?" Daw nodded and ran off towards her room while Phupha bid goodbye to his mother and walked out to the awaiting car.

When he arrived at the office, it was bustling with employees like any other day. Looks like only half of them were present when Phupha walked in. The main office team was shuffling around getting everything ready for the meeting, but they all stopped when he entered and paid respects to him.

Phupha entered his office and took his seat. He leaned back in his chair and let out a yawn, trying his best to stay awake.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be having a meeting right now?" Phupha looked at the door to spot the annoying voice. He is met with a familiar face, and Phupha let out a deep sigh at the sight of grinning Nam. His friend knows how much Phupha hates waking up early and is still heartless enough to make fun of him.

"Your misery actually made me happy. So thank you, but it isn't what I came here for," Nam laughed when Phupha looked at him with furrowed brows and a look in his eyes that's clearly saying one more word and you're dead. "We are having a little get-together this Friday with some of our friends, and I wanted to ask if you want to tag along? Get some drinks, hopefully, get laid."

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