Chapter 14

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Phupha entered his office and sighed. He had just finished another meeting for the day and it wasn't even time for lunch yet. He rested for a while until there was a knock on his door, he opened his eyes and saw his secretary approaching.

"Sir the representative of the T-Corp group is waiting outside right now." She informed him and Phupha raised his eyebrows in confusion. They were early. The meeting was not for another fifteen minutes.

"P'Lisa. Can they wait? I'm really tired. Tell them I'm a bit busy." Phupha rarely does this, but today he was just tired. Daw was really fussy that morning to go to school. So it was an extra effort to get her ready for school. By the time, he dropped her off, he had no energy. He even skipped his morning caffeine dose. And to top it off, he didn't meet Tian in the morning. The substitute teacher said that he wasn't coming in today. Phupha was confused as to why Tian never mentioned it to him. Pushing away all these thoughts, right now he just wanted to rest a little before the next meeting. 

"I'm very sorry sir but they are asking to meet with you right now." The secretary explained.

"Fine. Send them in," Phupha said with annoyance. But all that went away when he saw a familiar figure walk in with two bodyguards, sort of. Phupha couldn't take his eyes off him. His energy booster had arrived. He looked so professional and sophisticated with the grey suit he wore with a black dress shirt and black shoes.

He quickly snapped out of it and stood up from his seat to greet the "representative" from T-Corp Group. Or should he say, "His boyfriend."

"Phupha Viriyanon, CEO of Phoenix Group," Phupha said extending his hand for Tian to shake with a smirk on his face.

"Tian Sopasitsakun, T-Corp Group." Tian shook Phupha's hand, trying his best not to smirk.

"You can wait in the conference room for me. I'll just take a few minutes to sort out the formalities with Khun Viriyanon before the meeting." Tian said to the other two men behind him and they nod and leave the room, closing the door behind them.

"So, Khun Sopasitsakun to what do I owe the pleasure," Phupha said as he walked around his desk to approach Tian.

"Well, Khun Viriyanon my father sent me to talk about our partnership," Phupha smirked as he now stood right in front of Tian, only a few inches away.

"Our company or you and me," he asked as he pulled Tian by his waist. Tian chuckled."I wish I could say it's us. But unfortunately, I'm here just for the business part of it," Tian said as he wrapped his arms around Phupha's neck. Phupha pouted.

"And cause I missed you," Tian said which made Phupha smile like a crazy idiot."Now that's what I wanted to hear," Phupha said as he leaned in and connected their lips.

Phupha pushed a little harder against his lips deepening the kiss as Tian silently moaned when Phupha's tongue slipped into his mouth. Tian's hands tangled in Phupha's hair letting their tongues dance around each other. They both pulled back when their lungs ran out of air, resting their foreheads together. Phupha opened his eyes and looked at Tian before giving a soft kiss on his lips. He pulled him in for a hug and breathed his scent in.

"Did you like my surprise?" Tian asked they broke apart from their hug but still had their arms around each other.

"Hmm... I was so tired from all the meetings. I had a tough time trying to get Daw ready for school. She was fussy all morning. And I didn't get to see you," Phupha pouted. "And these upcoming weeks will be a bit stressful. I'll be jammed with work that I won't be able to visit you at school anymore," Phupha whined into Tian's neck. Tian chuckled as he comforted Phupha with his hug.

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