Chapter 4

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Phupha couldn't stop thinking about Tian after they bid each other goodbye at the ice cream parlor.

The next morning, he woke up by the alarm he set. He didn't get proper sleep just thinking about Tian. He wasn't surprised that Daw didn't jump onto his bed and wake him up. The sugar rush caused by the ice cream kept Daw energized throughout the evening. She couldn't stop talking or playing in the house. Alice was surprised that Daw didn't crash earlier after her first day of school. But soon, the sugar rush left her system and the little star crashed onto the couch while watching her favorite cartoons.

Phupha went downstairs and found his mother preparing breakfast. She quickly sent him back upstairs to wake up Daw and to get ready for work.

Phupha tiptoed through the room, kneeling down next to his daughter. She had the comforter pulled up beneath her small nose, her light brown hair mussed from sleep. She was almost the spitting image of her mother, save for her eyes.

"My little star" he cooed, combing her hair, "Daw, sweetheart. Wake up. Grandma has pancakes and bacon cooking."

Daw gave a soft moan before opening her bright hazel eyes. "Pancakes?" She asked and he nodded. "With chocolate chips?"

"She wouldn't make it any other way," he said. "You need to get up, it's time to get ready for school."

"School... School! Are we going to be late?" Daw woke up then, throwing the covers off his tiny body and bouncing about.

"No. We aren't, but first, you need to get dressed." Phupha went over to his dresser and scooped up the clothes Alice had set out for her yesterday. He grabbed the towel and gave it to Daw to get ready.

In the meantime, Phupha got ready as well. And in the father-daughter game, Phupha won again. The duo joined Alice for breakfast and soon they were ready to leave.

"Do you have your bag?" Phupha asked Daw as he leaned down to tie her shoelaces which unraveled.

"Nooooo," she said and shook her head.

"Mae! Can you please grab her bag?!"

"Daddy!" Daw whined and covered her ears. "Don't yell! It hurts my ears!"

"Sorry, my little star," Phupha said as he stood up. He kissed her on the top of her head and smoothed out her hair over her face.

"Mae! Do you need any help?" He yelled again as he picked up his coat and looked at his watch. "We have to go now or else we're going to be late!"

"Daddy!" Daw giggled. "You don't have to yell. Grandma can hear you."

"Yeah, Grandma can hear you," Alice mocked as she came sauntering down the stairs with a tiny little purple backpack on one arm.

Alice handed the bag to Phupha and bent down to kiss Daw before the father-daughter duo walked out to the car.

They arrived at Daw's school just in time before the bell. Phupha held Daw's hand in his, as they walked towards the entrance. Before she could enter the class, he crouched down for her hug and Daw left him a kiss on both his cheeks.

"I love you, my little star. Daddy will pick you up after school. Be a good girl, "Phupha smiled and Daw returned back her smile.

"I will," she said before she raced ahead inside, and tripped over her shoe, and fell on her knee. Phupha lunged forward to rescue his daughter, as a dark-haired blur attempted to do the same, resulting in both men knocking foreheads, and falling down themselves. By the time Phupha looked up, Daw had already revived herself and ran into her classroom. He smiled slightly, before turning his attention to the man in front of him, and the very doe eyes.

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