Chapter 16

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"That's why you didn't pick up my call," Phupha said. Tian shrugged with a guilty smile.

"We didn't sleep the entire night. We binge-watched Friends on Netflix and crashed around 6am," Tian chuckled. Phupha shook his head but smiled lovingly at Tian. He was happy that Tian patched up with his family.

They finished their lunch as Tian kept sharing about his weekend. Phupha couldn't help but chuckle at Tian, his affection for the teacher relieving every worry in his mind. He made Tian smile even wider. It was a beautiful smile - the most beautiful Phupha had seen. His lips were full and formed a perfect curve as they stretched into a grin; his tongue rested lightly between his top teeth and bottom lip, which made him want to rush over and kiss the senses out of the teacher every time he smiled; and it was genuine. When Tian smiled, properly smiled - his whole being glowed, and Phupha fell for him, even more, every single time.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Tian asked, his face flushed.

"I just realized that we haven't been on a date," Tian was speechless. He didn't expect that.

"So what do you say we go on our first date, this weekend... say Saturday night?" Phupha asked as held Tian's hand in his, making Tian blush more. His ears turned red making Phupha chuckle.

"S-sure," He finally said and looked into Phupha's eyes with the same captivating smile which Phupha couldn't resist. He leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. Tian shyly dropped his head against Phupha's shoulder as Phupha placed another soft kiss on his hair.

The days went by, Daw had become better and she had stayed home all week. She and Alice baked cookies, watched Disney movies all week. Khun Teerayut had signed the deal with Phoenix Group and now the two companies were official partners. Khun Teerayut had even praised Phupha for being a great businessman at such a young age which made Phupha feel contented. Well, if he plans to ask Tian to marry him one day, he has to look good in the eyes of his to be father-in-law.


What was he thinking? They were yet to go on their first date, yet his mind fast-forwarded to their wedding.

One step at a time. He mentally slapped himself.

Soon Saturday arrived and it was the date night. Phupha was nervous as hell. Though this wasn't his first date, this was the first time he was already in love with that person and he wanted everything to be perfect. Hopefully, this nervousness would subside once they met.

Phupha walked downstairs clad in a dark blue dress shirt tucked into his black jeans and white sneakers. A few buttons were popped open on top revealing his chest and a dog tag chain. His hair was styled leaving a messy and tousled look.

"Woah! Daddy looks so handsome!" Daw chirped as she bounced up and down.

"Thank you, my little star," Phupha said as he carried her for a spin. Daw giggled as Phupha carried her in his arms.

"And very happy," Alice added with a smirk.

"Excited for the date," I presume she said and Phupha smiled with a nod.

"With who, Daddy?" Daw asked and Phupha blinked. Should he tell her? Maybe not.

"It's a surprise," He winked and placed a kiss on her cheek before placing her back on the ground.

"I got to go before it's late. Bye star, bye Mae," he placed a kiss on Daw's head and his mother's cheek before walking out of the house.

"Have fun!" She teased which made Phupha laugh as he entered his car.

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