Chapter 9

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It was way past midnight and Phupha was still awake. Lately, he'd been having trouble falling asleep, because he was busy with work. Whenever he tries to fall asleep, his mind starts working on some new idea and that ruins everything. He couldn't meet Tian for a whole week and he misses him. He had admitted that he had liked Tian to his mother, and that was like two months ago. He chatted with Tian a few times when he went to drop or pick up Daw, but that was it. When he worked up the courage to ask him out, his work got in the way.

He heard his phone ping and Phupha wondered who would text him so late.

'I miss you. xx'

Phupha stared at his phone for a moment, blinking at the bright screen, his eyes squinting a bit. He read the text over and over, looking for some familiarity within the words. Seeing as how the text was so short, though, it was almost impossible. He then ran over the phone number in his head, trying to see if it clicked to anyone in particular. Nada.

'Who is this?'

He responded warily, not sure if he should even be responding.

It was quite a while before he got a reply, and he just frowned even more than before when it came through.

'Not gonna lie, that hurt. xx'

'Who do you think it is?'

'Better yet, who do you want to be?'

Phupha sighed, shaking his head, tossing his phone on the bed next to him. If they wouldn't tell him who they were, they weren't worth responding to. He rubbed at his eyes, trying to rub away the pain that had formed from staring at the phone screen too long.

His phone buzzed, and Phupha groaned. It was too late for phone games. His arm shot out from under the covers to grab at it anyway, and he blinked once more when the screen shined on his face.


This text, as simple as it would seem to some, sent Phupha reeling. His eyes widened, his jaw dropped just a slight bit, and he stared for what seemed like forever.

When his mind started to work again, he tried to trace the number through a bunch of apps but had no luck. The person was untraceable.

'Cat got you tongue, Chief'

Okay, so this person seems to be playing tricks on him. Phupha decided to play too. He smirked as he typed in the message.

"Well mine, you clearly left me speechless by your claim'

'Glad to know.'

'And, mine. Be ready to be blocked.'

'Go ahead. Do it if you want. Just know this. You will regret it.'

'And why would I regret it?'

'Don't block me and you will know'


'Let me explain'

'This was just a dare'

'Right... and how did you get my number?'

'That's for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot...'

'Quoting TVD, won't get you off the hook'

'Looks like we have something in common'

'Give me one reason why I shouldn't block you?'

'Cuz Chief, why would you want to ruin a good mystery?'

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