Chapter 13

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The next morning, Tian woke up when he heard the door opening and Daw trying to wake up Phupha who was asleep at his desk.

"Daw" he whispered and Daw turned to look at Tian.

"Khru Tian?" She was surprised to see him still there.

"Come here," he sat up as Daw walked towards him.

"Why are you waking up your dad for?" he whispered making sure that Phupha was still asleep.

Daw turned his head and whispered back in his ear, "Daddy and Daw always cook breakfast every Saturday morning," Tian smiled.

"Well, Daddy seems to be tired. Why don't I help you out?" Tian offered and Daw was excited. He was thinking of a way to thank Phupha for helping him out last night with all the paperwork and he figured that this was a good move.

"Really?" She almost yelled and Tian shushes her.

"Really. But we have to be quiet..." he said with his finger on his lips. Daw mimicked him.

"Okay..." Tian stood up and let Daw lead him to the kitchen. Daw pointed to the aprons and Tian grabbed them and they both wore it with Tian helping Daw with hers.

"Okay. So what do you want for breakfast?" Tian asked.

"What does Khru Tian know to make?" She asked.

"I know to make toast and eggs. And congee..." he said.

"No congee. Let's make toast and eggs." Tian nodded with a chuckle. He walked towards the fridge, "Do you guys have bacon?" he asked as he checked the fridge. "Got it!" He said and showed her the bacon.

"Yay!" Daw cheered and helped Tian to carry the eggs. Soon breakfast was ready.Alice was the first one to walk into the kitchen and find the surprise.

"Oh, Tian! I thought...." Tian interrupted her. "Good morning, mom. Phi's tired, so I decided to help out." He said.

"Thank you, dear," she said.

"Good morning Grandma!" Daw chirped as she licked her fingers which had jam on them.

"Good morning my little jelly bean" Alice kissed her hair and carried her to the dining table before helping Tian to set the table.

"Mae... what did you cook? It smells delicious..." Phupha walked in yawning, still in his work shirt and pants from yesterday. He was also surprised to see Tian and Daw in aprons setting the table with Alice.

"Tian?" He still couldn't believe his eyes. He could get used to this every day.

"Daddy!" Daw ran to him and hugged his legs. If he hadn't held onto the wall beside him, she would've definitely taken him down.

"Good morning, my little star!" he picked her up.

"Khru Tian said that Daddy was tired and shouldn't wake you up. Khru Tian helped Daw to make breakfast." Phupha's eyes widened and then turned to look lovingly at Tian.

"Is it so? That's very thoughtful of him wasn't it?" Daw nodded with a smile.

"Let's go eat!" Phupha nodded with a smile and then turned to look up at Tian who blushed and looked away.

"When did you learn to cook?" Alice asked Tian.

"Oh well, I'm staying at my family's condo since I started university. Ordering take-outs or ramen was boring. So I learned to cook. I would usually cook my food whenever I have free time. Or else, I would order in," Tian shrugged as he explained casually.

"Don't you go home to have dinner with your family?" Alice asked and Tian's hands froze as he scooped the eggs onto his spoon using the fork. Phupha knew the smile Tian gave. It was a fake one.

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