Chapter 11

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The two broke away from the kiss and rested their forehead against each other with smiling faces.

"We should get back to work, don't you think?" Phupha asked and Tian laughed as he nodded.

The couple walked back inside to begin their work. As Tian sat on the couch, Phupha immediately took his place as close as he could next to Tian.

"Phi, if you sit so close to me, I don't think we'll be able to focus," he chuckled. He didn't want to complain. But the quicker they could get this done, then he could spend the rest of the time cuddling with his P'Phupha.

Phupha secretly wanted the same thing. So he chuckled and moved away a bit. "You're right. Let's finish our work as fast as possible," he whispered in Tian's ears which turned red soon after making Phupha smirk.

"So you got any information you found particularly hard? Or any questions you have?" Tian nodded, blinking his eyelashes at him.

"Yeah," He opened his laptop and showed it Phupha. He leaned over Tian's shoulder and read the document. His eyes widened as he read through it.

"Wait a minute..." he straightened up as he grabbed the laptop and pulled it closer.

He was right.

"Your dad is Khun Teerayut?" Phupha was left speechless. Tian nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were in charge of the deal your dad made with 'my company'? Phupha said as he stressed the last two words. Tian's eyes widened now as realization hit him.


"It's not t-that I didn't tell you... it's just that I forgot..." Tian stuttered as Phupha's stare made him nervous. "Well, I told you my dad had given me this document last night and told me to be prepared as soon as possible. He's leaving on SUNDAY! And before that, I had to know e-everything about the deal. With the amount of pressure and-" Tian was interrupted when suddenly he was pulled into a hug.

"Shhhhh... Tian...calm down. I'm here..." Phupha tries to calm Tian down. Tian didn't realize that he had almost lost control of his emotions. He was going through a lot that week. The sudden pressure his father was putting on his shoulders was a bit too much for him. Tian took a few deep breaths and Phupha's scent helped him to calm down faster.

"My dad... doesn't realize that I'm already tired. I mean, I love working with kids. But it takes a lot of energy. By the time I go home, I'm exhausted." Tian broke away from the hug before continuing. "At night I go over the business stuff that I'm already working on for the company. Because I know I have a responsibility as a son. But then my dad and I fight over my day job... Argh! It's just too much! Why can't he understand me?! Though it tiring, I love doing it. I love teaching little kids!" Tian ran his fingers through his hair.

Phupha sighed in worry. He moved closer to Tian and brought his arm over his shoulder to hold Tian. "I know you might've heard people say this a lot. But I understand what you're going through..." Tian looked up at Phupha in surprise.

"What?" Phupha nodded with a sigh.

"My dad started to train me ever since I started college. Daytime, college life, and at night I would be with my dad going over all the business plans and deals with my dad. During weekends, I would be working at the office. Partying or taking trips were very rare in my life." Tian reached out and held Phupha's hand.

"And then there was Daw...." Phupha turned to look at the closes door before continuing. "You do know that she is not my biological daughter right?" Tian nodded and Phupha's eyes widened.

"How did you know?" Tian took a deep breath.

"Well, a few weeks back, I had asked my class to draw their family. And Daw... drew this..." he said as he opened his bag and pulled out a drawing. Phupha was surprised by what he saw when Tian handed it to him.

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